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Chapter 2:

Importance Of A Healthy Relationship


In the Creation, God made man first. Upon seeing that he was lonely, he created woman next. This only illustrates that men and women are meant to enjoy each other’s company and to build a healthy relationship. What does a healthy relationship mean and why is it important?


Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship means that you and your partner exercise a give and take process. With this, everything will stay in balance and neither of you will feel deprived of something because you fill each other’s needs. Also, you can say that your relationship is really healthy if you and your partner work as a team. Always remember that it takes two to tango. In other words, you need to cooperate and work hard in everything that concerns your relationship.

A healthy relationship also depends on your and your partner’s health. This is not limited to physical health; in fact, this aspect is of low significance for a healthy relationship. Spiritual and mental health are actually the most influential elements that contribute to  the health of any relationship.

Spiritual Health

Typically, most people link spirituality with religion. What they do not know is that there is a big difference between the two. The former is linked on how a certain person treats others while the latter is concerned on religious practices, rituals and traditions. If you are loving and kind to others, then that only indicates that you are sound spiritually. However, if you mistreat people and take advantage of their weaknesses, then that means that you have poor spiritual health. Given that a relationship is the growth and unified interaction of two persons, each person’s spiritual health is essential.

The most interesting thing with regard to spiritual health is that those who are not spiritually sound will commonly find themselves partnered with people who are not mentally sound. This kind of coupling may lead not only to an unhealthy relationship, but a totally toxic relationship. It is common for people to lean on the shoulder of someone else when they get depressed and to open up to those who increase the negative energy they emanate. This is the most destructive kind of relationship for both individuals.

Meanwhile, people with sound spiritual and mental health may find themselves with a person who lacks in either aspect, but they will eliminate themselves from this unhealthy relationship at the soonest time possible. If they fail to do so, they will start to drain on their very own health until they compliment the deficiency of their partner.

Understanding these fundamental foundational concepts will give you pathway to experience a healthy relationship, not only with your romantic partner, but with your friends, schoolmates, family and co- workers as well. From time to time, do you find yourself in an unhealthy relationship? If yes, then it is about time to do some self- introspection. Concentrate on your mental health. If you have an inability to examine yourself, it is ideal to get some help from trusted friends, family or experts.

The most crucial thing to bear in mind is that if you wish to experience a healthy relationship, you must be healthy yourself. You cannot rely on someone else to do it for you. People with sound health will not choose to stay in a relationship with unhealthy ones. And if you were able to bring a healthy individual to an unhealthy level, then it will not lead to a strong and healthy relationship. Thus, it is important to fix your broken parts until you can confidently and happily smile at yourself in front of the mirror. Always remember the golden rule, respect yourself and do not allow other people to use you or take advantage of your weaknesses. Have the willingness to help someone without expecting anything in return. When you are able to do that, you will sooner or later find yourself with a person that has the same attitude with you. In turn, both of you will experience the strongest, most incredible and healthiest relationship ever.

Mental Health

Mental health is how a person treats and views himself. It is true that this kind of health is commonly influenced by external stimuli, but it still depends on how a person responds to those stimuli towards him/herself. It is how that person reacts, matures and grows from those experiences that gauge his/her mental health. By simply looking at it in that way, it would be easier to perceive how essential mental health is to a sound relationship. If a person does not have a sound relationship with him/herself, then he/she will not be able to contribute to a healthy and lasting relationship with anyone else.


So, why is a healthy relationship important? Actually, there are several reasons, and the pages of this ebook would not be enough to enumerate and explain them. In a nutshell, a healthy relationship is very essential simply because it will make you a better person and you can make the lives of others better too. When people learn to love themselves, they will love the people around them in return. What you give is what you will receive. As a result, the world will be a better place to live in.
