World Peace Really: One Mind @ A Time


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Published: 13 years ago

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Book Description

World Peace Really! takes you on a journey to where world peace really begins-inside your own mind. It applies some of the most profound concepts in cognitive psychology to the cause of peace and challenges you to think about your thinking. Your journey begins with a better understanding of how your mind works. If you walk away with one new learning, make it this: you act in accordance with the truth as you believe and perceive it to be. What are your truths? How did they come to be? What happens if what you believe to be true isn't true for everyone? What happens if you are only partially right...about everything? World Peace Really! asks you to think about your thinking. It's all about creating a better world, one mind at a time.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Joe Blow
    22 Mar 2016
    I've seen people selling this book on the streets. They said that it has sold more than a million copies. I could believe that, after having read it.
  • User image   the meel
    25 Feb 2016
    this book never loses its appeal or relevance!
  • User image   Pie Man
    18 Feb 2016
    Really good read. Appreciated the thoughts expressed from the author throughout.
  • User image   Jerry Matheson
    05 Feb 2016
    Impressively written. My thanks to the author for helping me to get a vision for what it means to be living in the last days.
  • User image   the meel
    09 Jan 2016
    This book helped me change the course of my life. It has a lot of truth, without being preachy.It was written in 2000, but is still so relevant to what is happening in the world today, politically and spiritually. It is kind of like '1984' but for the 21st century; but also presents solutions to the problems we face, and will face.
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