You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Our Skies Are Full

UFOs are not rocket science, obviously.

Robert Salas is in the news again, telling his story about the time UFOs turned off all the nuclear missiles under his watch. Perhaps we need to keep telling his story until every household knows his name. It was spy balloons, drones, air clutter, or the Russians, or the Chinese that turned off his missiles. Even IBM, who provided the tech,

acknowledged ‘the system failure’ that Salas reported could not happen. Salas and

other UFO stories made the news. More and more real news is starting to carry UFO

stories, perhaps because there are enough content creators on youtube and Medium,

Reddit, and just blogs in general that it’s impossible for this subject to do anything but trend up. And it should, our skies are full!

MrMB333 provided another great UFO video. New York Times, New book compiles

powerful first-hand accounts of UFO encounters from across the globe, is another book

compiling people’s experiences with UFOs. Yes, it is frequently argued that many UFOs

reported turn out to be identified objects, but perhaps that’s because most people don’t report UFOs.

It is likely that if more people reported, there would be an increase in IFOs, but there would be a lot more UFOs. It could be that my perspective is skewed, due to my

experiences and the number of people I call friends who have had experiences… And

that was before I joined MUFON, which means I now know more people who have had

experiences than I had access to before.

Eye on Cinema

EOC has been dropping a lot of UFO videos. You will find one below that I have linked, Huge UFO in the skies over Paris witnessed by Air France Captain Jean-Charles Duboc

& crew, 1994. I suspect EOC had a problem with copyrights, or youtube management,

as they had to pull some of their earlier videos, most of which were just old news

segments of people reporting UFOs.

They were credible reports. I am not sure how they’re getting them all. Are people from around the world sending their old VHS tapes? Is possible that everything has already

been uploaded to the net, and it’s just a matter of finding them.

If we took all the old news footage of UFO stories, and made them all available, public domain by sheer virtue of the human family needing to know what’s going on in their

world, we would be having a different conversation.

It’s time for a new conversation. It is clear that the governments of the world and the militaries of the world know there is something non-human interacting with us. They aint giving up their secrets.

We, the citizens of the world, are not obligated to keep secrets from each other. Oh,

sure, the powers that be want nations to keep secrets. That is one reason there are

DVD region codes. They don’t want us sharing information. Also, it’s a way of

generating and keeping money in the region. But mostly, they’d prefer us not be sharing stories.

Region 1: U.S., U.S. Territories, Canada, and Bermuda.

Region 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, Egypt, and the Middle East.

Region 3: Southeast Asia, East Asia including Hong Kong.

Region 4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, South

America, and the Caribbean.

Fortunately, there are cracks in the internet that are allowing this UFO story to gain momentum, to be shared with larger communities of people. It’s getting more difficult to keep news stories quiet. The Varginha UFO happened in 1996, but it wasn’t until 2022

that a documentary came out about it. If it wasn’t for one Forbes article in 1996, people might have imagined the whole thing was made up.

Sometimes the news gets out, like the Stevenville Texas incident. The story went

around the world before got squashed.

The Phoenix Light’s was a big deal, too, before it got squashed.

So was the Roswell crash.

Our skies are full. If people will stay vigilant, it won’t be long before someone catches something irrefutably not human.

Stay thirsty, my friends!


You aren’t going to believe what this thing does, MrMBB333

Huge UFO Witnessed Over Paris, Eye On Cinema

Ex-US Air Force captain says UFO attacked nuclear missile base, damaged


New book compiles powerful first-hand accounts of UFO encounters from across

the globe

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