Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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What Landscape Style is Appropriate for Your Backyard?

Landscaping your yard is one of the best ways to improve upon the resale value of your home.

However before you begin any project it is a good idea to decide what landscaping design best fits with your residential dwelling. There are various styles so it is up to you to determine which is right for your backyard.

Formal landscaping is a style where everything is in its place. The lines are basically straight and the shapes are perfectly geometrical. In other words, everything is in absolute balance and there is no such thing as planting trees and plants in a random manner. The plants are generally positioned closely together and maintenance is performed by way of pruning the plants.

Another common landscaping style is informal design. This type of style works well with neat little bungalows. Within this style, flower beds are created with curvy edging and you can randomly plant your flowers since the smaller area is generally cozier and can accommodate the less than formal effect.

English Garden is yet another landscaping design-style which generally is in accord with a specific type of home as well as the manicured yard that surrounds it. A combination of formal and informal garden may feature a walkway comprised of classic brick construction. Usually the walk starts at the front of the home and continues to the back of the property. The backyard area is then comprised of plants located in less than formal circular groupings. An oriental landscape design is best employed within small backyards. Evergreens, rocks and water are used and the entire effect is best described as generously stylish.

As previously illustrated there are a number of design schemes and how formally or informally you landscape your yard is going to be determined a great deal by the architectural-style and size of your home. Naturally if you have an estate style setting this requires a considerable amount of thought and employs an entirely different concept as to design than a bungalow-sized dwelling and accompanying small yard. Random planting can be affected in a very small space while more formalized design is suggested for larger more classic structures.

Once you determine what design scheme is most relevant you may try perusing through landscaping periodicals specific to the form of design that is pertinent to the architectural detail of your home. In so doing, you can make things much easier when planning a total landscaping scheme for your outside environment.