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Understanding Mediterranean Landscape Design

One design fundamental that cannot be overlooked with regard to marvelous backyard makeovers is exotic and interesting Mediterranean landscape design. This type of landscaping is usually most effective with respect to estate-style settings; however elements of it may be used on other types of land as well. The following article serves to point out some of the history of Mediterranean landscape design and its many unique features.

Mediterranean landscaping originated in Arabia centuries ago but has changed to some degree throughout time as may be expected.  Mediterranean landscaping incorporates various elements from garden landscapes of the Grecians, Romans and Italians. Mediterranean landscaping naturally enjoys a close association with the hot, dry climate of the Mediterranean area. Mediterranean styling is vastly dissimilar to more modernistic landscape forms due to the fact it has evolved from the elements found in the ancient gardens of Rome, Italy and Greece. Most people who employ its landscaping fundamentals easily refer to it characteristically as having Old World charm and elegance.

Some of the elements incorporated into this form of design include products made of wrought iron, wood beams, classic statues and columns.  The furniture placed out-of-doors generally is Moroccan, Italian or Arabian as far as influence.

Housing or residential elements need to fit within the landscaping influenced by Mediterranean design fundamentals. For example, you would not integrate Mediterranean landscaping into a Federal designed home.  This type of mismatch would be totally inappropriate. In the way of hardscape, Mediterranean styling goes well with a garden gate made of wrought iron with a free-flowing curved design. This serves as an exceedingly nice tie-in to a home that fits well with Mediterranean landscape style.

Plenty of trees and shrubs are preferred within this design style. Since the landscaping began in a very warm climate the characteristic of a shady backyard is most important. Gorgeous oak trees with plenty of curvature are recommended within this garden style. Also you’d do well to include olive trees, various fruit trees in the way of lemon and orange; as well as Cypress trees.  When adding climbers the best vine to include is the grapevine.

Add a lovely herb garden to the mix inclusive of rosemary, sage, basil and thyme. These herbs will emit interesting aromas to waft throughout the garden. Also due to the fact Mediterranean gardens originated from an agricultural history you’d be well advised to include a vegetable garden.

Water is always a part of most Mediterranean style gardens so it is recommended you place a fountain designed in Romanesque or Italianate styling within your landscaping arrangement.  Make certain however that your beautiful fountain is in proportion with the rest of the landscape’s design.