Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Bring a Weedy Block Back to Life

Many landscapers and gardeners know; it is possible to take a neglected block of ground and quite literally transform its appearance by adding the right landscaping details. Once the parcel is weeded and the grasses are cut it is time for the fun to begin. Can an eyesore backyard actually become the envy of the neighborhood?  Quite literally, yes.

The best way to start your project and attain successful results is by considering the use of various plants within the landscape design scheme.  It is easily reasoned; planting a variety of plants and in abundance can easily make any backyard more inviting. In time the plants you choose will add to the uniqueness and charm of your backyard.

If you have a larger home and would like to provide a more prestigious look symbolic of an English country manor, you might try planting some stately evergreen trees. Evergreens look well with mansions and estate-style homes.

If you live in a dwelling that presents a less-formalized appearance you can do quite a bit for your backyard by employing color.  A good way to do it is by planting a variety of colorful flowers ideal for the agricultural zone where you live.

Some persons when bringing a more formalized home back to life may make use of a path of roses. This is especially appealing if there is plenty of room to stroll around. Also if your home is classic in design you might try including a rose garden. The bonus of growing roses is that you can bring the cut flowers inside and enjoy their wonderful perfumed.

Older-style country farmhouses are the dwellings where wildflowers grow out back. Wildflowers are especially low maintenance and are remarkably beautiful. The organic vibe is what provides the appeal. Also consider the fact that where you plant is an area where you need not cut the grass. Within the same outside environment, in order to keep grass-cutting to an even greater minimum, you may wish to also include a vegetable garden.

Nothing can be more enlightening than walking out your back door and selecting some fresh vegetables for that night’s dinner. Persons not exactly located in a countryside setting or on such a block as just described can get around cutting the grass by placing a patio outside their backdoor. On your patio you can include borders of plants and huge plantings of your favorite colored flowers.