Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Consider the Architectural Style of Your Residence

People seeking ideas for marvelous backyard makeovers need to be aware that the best idea is one that blends nicely with the individual gardener’s geographic location inclusive of climatic conditions and certain types of soil compositions. Certainly, modifications can be made and they are all the time — however certain restrictions may apply depending on where your backyard is positioned. For example, plants that grow well in a warm dry area will not be appropriate where the agricultural zone is wet and cold.

Fortunately when supplying your backyard with the best makeover, rest assured that when you travel to the local nursery plants for sale will be suitable to the area in which you live. If you shop online, this may not be the case; you will need to perform some investigation and research in order to locate plants and shrubs right for your climate as well as the size of your backyard and the soil type.

Also you will want to add flowers and shrubs that go well with your style of house. For example, if you live in an old country farmhouse a garden of wildflowers may look interesting. If you live in a more classic style residence you may wish to consider a garden of roses or a more traditional brand of shrubbery such as evergreens. It will never do to choose the wrong style of garden for the style of house you have.

Can you imagine a more formalized residence with a garden of unruly wildflowers in the back? By the same token can you envision a formalized rose garden in the backyard of a 100 year old weather-beaten country style dwelling? This latter example is totally incongruent. The wildflower garden actually adds charm to a somewhat dilapidated dwelling; and the more provincial-style garden arrangement adds value to the classic style residence. The equation then is backyard landscaping must present an accompaniment or enhancement to the architectural structure.  There is no room for eclectic ideology when designing a backyard arrangement as an extension of your inside living arrangement.

One consideration when instituting a marvelous makeover for your backyard is installing a fence if one is not in place. A fence, if provided in a more metropolitan location has the distinct benefit of not only distinguishing a boundary, but also making your house more saleable when it comes time to sell. Most persons when viewing real estate like the idea of a fence. It keeps children and pets safe and prevents persons from running across your property. As part of your landscape plan the fence will need to match nicely with the architectural look of your house.

Another landscape consideration outside of plants and trees is placement of a deck or patio in your backyard. Such an area can also make your home seem more inviting or attractive and is ideal for guests. Further, after your day is through, you can sit out on your patio and enjoy all your efforts with respect to the gardens and shade trees you’ve established with your landscaping.

Also if you are going to take in your newly transformed yard from your patio or deck you may wish to consider lights that come on at night only for your garden area.  This small detail can provide quite a dramatic effect when sitting and enjoying the view during the early evening hours from your patio.