Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Flowers Make a Definite Impact

Many gardeners attest to the fact that not only is flower gardening extremely enjoyable it is not in the least bit difficult. Persons involved in gardening for awhile will exclaim their joy at seeing the flowers they’ve planted burst into bloom. Also the scent adds to the atmosphere within the backyard setting. Many gardeners now like to try organic gardening.

In order to get started your organic garden requires essentials such as a soil composition that is healthy; plenty of sunlight; watering on a scheduled basis; natural fertilization; and naturally the utmost of care supplied by the gardener. However, before purchasing supplies it is important to give some thought to what you want in your garden.

You probably will wish to keep your garden full of color throughout the year. In this regard you will need to select foliage and flower plants as to their longevity and times of the year they bloom. For example, annual flowers are easy enough to grow and attain flowers; however, they only live one year. Evergreen plants enjoy a life span which is considerably longer than annuals however you often need to wait two years before you see flowers. The objective is to find plants that will provide nice blooms during their growing season and once faded other plants appropriate for the next portion of the year replace them.

Also within your garden of flowers you are best advised to group smaller plants together rather than match and mix them with larger flowered plants. This will provide your garden arrangement with interesting visuals including varying degrees of shade and height. The differences as far as texture and placement will make your garden all the more eye-appealing.

Annuals when planted within nutrient rich heavier soil compositions will require no fertilization. The exception is when the annuals are placed in containers; then fertilization is required. The reason the latter is true is because the soil in containers is readily depleted of essential plant nutrients - and because of this the plant needs to be replanted from time-to-time.

Consider also when purchasing plants of the evergreen variety you will need to add compost and mulch several times during the season of growth.  Here again, this is important because the plant will take much in the way of nutrients from the soil for a span of several years. However as a cautionary suggestion when adding the mulch and compost it is best not to overdo it. If you add too much you can cause deterioration to the root system. This same cautionary word of advice applies to the flowers as well since you can burn the flowers as a result of too much organic material.

When you go to water evergreen variety plants make it a practice to water deeper (and less frequently) toward the root level. The idea is that by providing watering applications as described you will train or motivate the root system to grow deeper into the ground thereby establishing the plant as hardier.

When you place your annual flowers on a watering schedule ensure they are provided moisture on a weekly basis. You should water them just enough to maintain moisture within the soil. Too much moisture is just as damaging as not enough.

You will also need to remove flowers that have faded. This encourages your flowering plant to grow more flowers. Once the plants have flowered pollination occurs and as a result there is seed. When you take away faded blooms this signals the plant to produce even more flowers.