Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Take it One Step at a Time

Many people think of backyard design ideas and are ready to quit before they get started. This is because there is a great deal to landscape design and thinking of all the details can seem rather overwhelming. The best way to approach the matter therefore is to take it one step at a time. If looking at the total picture seems like overload then visualize various elements of the entire landscaping design scheme instead. The way to carry out this approach is described below.

First off, think of each area of your backyard as specific grid locations inclusive of a certain geometric form or shape. For example, you might envision a certain area in the form of a rectangle and another area is comprised of squares which run the length of the backyard; again, both examples are concepts. Lines within the grid concept can be construed as places to stroll within the garden-setting.

Once you have one area formulated within your drawing, complete with a place to stroll, you are in a position to visit your local grower.   During this stage of the landscaping process you present a list of various plants which you’ve decided upon for the different areas within your design and ask the horticulturist to provide pricing. Your list may include shrubs along certain walkways if specific to your basic design; flowerbed plants; various types of trees; lawn beds and climbing plants.   Also ask about plant care for the plants you are interested in. The care plan includes frequency of watering; and whether the plant responds better in shade or sunshine as well as other aspects such as fertilization.

Take your list and decide where within the garden setting you are going to place particular plants. Naturally, plants that respond well to sunlight are best situated where your garden location is most sunny and plants that like shade can be positioned under the canopy of a mature shade tree. If you enjoy a great deal of colorful blooms, plan on incorporating a number of complementary hued flowers that grow well together within your garden arrangement.

Once you have the initial garden planned out and have determined how long your flowers may bloom you may wish to take things a step further. Plan on what flowers will replace the fading flowers so you are in a position to maintain continuing blooms — that is if you wish to do so.  It will be quite an accomplishment to have your list in hand and decide where upon your layout all the various plants will be located.

If you’ve decided on walkways through your garden these paths may be comprised of a) gravel, b) tiles, c) bricks, or sand. Naturally you’ll need to determine the amount of footage and get some pricing as far as the materials and labor for the walkway as well. In this regard, at least you have several options as to materials that is, if your design-style can accommodate it.

Conclusively, take each area, decide how you’d like to use the space and plan accordingly. Once you have pricing for particular plants and have decided upon placement you can tally price for the entirety of the project. Or if you wish to work on one particular area at a time then price out that area specifically.