Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Protecting Your Garden from Summer Scorchers

Few gardens can take a beating from the sun if proper measures are not set forth. The backyard garden that is oppressed by too much intense sunlight will soon make your marvelous backyard makeover appear less than ideal. The following article addresses how to handle the ordeal of too much direct sunlight during the warmest of summer months.

In the way of vegetable gardens, you will need to keep the watering of your garden consistent and regular. That said, many gardeners will state such consistency is not always going to work. The vegetable garden still may suffer from too much exposure to the sun. If this is seemingly the case, you must make certain the water is reaching well all areas of the plants and not running off before the roots have a chance to absorb it. Many gardeners use some sort of water injection system in order to attain best results.

A component that holds water well is mulch. So the suggestion is likely what you may have suspected it would be; to mulch your garden quite frequently. The best measure is to use at minimum approximately 3 inches of mulch with an organic-basis. In so doing, you keep your plants from losing moisture and the soil remains moist and cool. The mulch also keeps the soil’s temperature steady.

Another suggestion is to allow particular plants that require it, plenty of shade. A shady location for your garden will keep the intensity of the summer heat from destroying many of your plants. Examples of plants that do not do so well within conditions of high heat intensity include spinach and cabbage. Placing your cabbage plants for instance in the shadier part of your vegetable garden is very advisable.

It does not matter the type of garden; whether vegetable or flora or regular foliage; the plants must be kept on regular scheduling as far as watering and accordant to the plant. This is the best source you have in protecting your garden from the heat. If you are watering your lawn; also considered a garden of sorts — the way you water it is going to differ from the way you water other types of gardens. The water you supply to your lawn must be provided in a manner that is steady and slow. This is because during the period of summer the soil may become very dry and water absorption quite difficult. If you just engage the sprinkler system the water may flow to the sides of the yard instead of getting into the soil.