Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Minimalist Landscaping

When you broach the subject of minimalist landscape design the whole idea of it has to do with the concept that less is truly more. You can use the same design principle within your landscaping scheme which many have found highly successful within their inside living arrangements. So what is minimalist thinking when it comes to landscaping? Outside of the obvious idea of it the true minimalist landscaper will not place such a high priority on the inclusion of vegetation and place more focus on other components.

The idea of the design concept of minimalism is nothing new. In fact it was popular centuries ago. Since it has evolved to a great degree the practicality of employing its use is the fact you can do so within many different settings. The idea however is carried through effectively when the principles associated with minimalism are in balance with the elements of the dwelling that sits on the block as well as the overall dimensions of the lot. Another consideration with regard to minimalist landscaping is that it must also be relative to the outdoor lifestyle of the residents.

In order to be a success with regard to minimalist landscape design you need to have just the right garden. If you go overboard in the garden area - meaning too many types of plants and flowers and in too great a number - you lose sight of the design fundamental that less is more.

If you want minimalist thinking to work within your backyard design scheme then the suggestion is to think of your backyard just like you would when performing design in any room of your house. Think of it as merely another area to design except this time out-of-doors.

The partitions within your garden arrangement can range from stone walls to a line of simple plants highlighted with solar lights. The idea behind minimalist landscaping is to use discernment when it comes to the selection of trees, shrubs and flowers. Remember the plant must be able to stand on its own however, still maintain a connection with all the other plants in your backyard. In other words, the way you space the plants and elements of geometric design are the emphasis rather than grouping a great many varying plant styles together within particular locations.

One aspect that is greatly emphasized within a minimalist landscaping arrangement is the use of stone walls. Masonry walls have been around for centuries just like hedges. Within Grecian and Roman ancient history, designers most always integrated the stone wall into the design detail.

Today the stone wall has certainly stood the test of time. The use of stone masonry walls are used not only within large garden-settings, but also smaller spaces such as a charming courtyard.  No matter the stone wall is also pricey. If you prefer a masonry constructed wall then your best bet as far as price is to have one constructed in brick. The architectural wall in brick can enhance your backyard landscaping and is noticeably less expensive than other architectural wall options.

You must remember whatever material composition you choose, these materials will provide a background setting for the plant-life and any ornamentation you place within the garden-setting so it is important that the background materials fit well with what you choose. In other words, the designs in geometric form and color must work well in combination accordant to minimalist styling providing the viewer with landscaping design that ties appropriately together. When you view minimalist design you must never feel you are trying to take in too much as far as details.  You can employ the elements of minimalist design to either modern or era-related landscapes.