Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Garden vs. Family Play Area

Not all designers achieve the results of accommodating an area within their backyard landscaping arrangement of a secure pool area, a garden that will not be undermined by children at play and a yard providing a great many eye-appealing visuals. However if you believe all of these components cannot be affected, think again.  Many designers have been able to provide residents with award-winning style garden arrangements and breezy areas where children may happily play.

The anticipation of many children as well as parents is that there must be plenty of room to play. This translates generally as an abundance of green lawn. The thought of throwing a garden into the mix is somewhat doubtful to many, since this means the lawn area may be scaled down to some degree. However the thoughtful landscape designer is quite aware that if elements of the right design are included a beautiful garden can be affected as well as an ideal play space — even if it is not as open an area as the residents had hoped. However, if the correct principles of design are used there should be plenty of space where the family can enjoy all sorts of sports and games.

Generally, starting out with a design scheme incorporating a great deal of locations used for various purposes will require the landscaper to be very thoughtful and creative. In other words, the drawing board is generally blank as it pertains to the area of the garden, particularly if the property dwellers are not used to the visual of a garden. Also if the house comes with a pool the designer will need to ensure it is safe and secure and generally a redo of design may be needed. When incorporating the pool aspect naturally the style of the house needs to be kept in the back of the mind of the landscape designer, since the pool area needs to neatly flow from the residential interior.

In adding visual interest consideration must be given as to where the greatest opportunity for the viewing of the showcase garden exists. If the house is contemporary and two-story for example that area might be upstairs. The landscaper needs to take into consideration from what area of the house residents and guests attain glimpses of the garden arrangement and make certain that the presentation is very eye-appealing from that angle.

The shape generally of a masterful garden-design should be geometric.  Everything must be proportionately harmonized. The interior of the home must be easily exited onto the back of the property and into the garden area.

Around a pool in a stylish estate setting, raised Mediterranean flower beds with transparent gating can extend from a terrace area. Again, this is an illustration of flow and security — especially when fencing would look detracting or inappropriate. As far as safety is concerned, pool fencing can be kept discreet by way of trees, foliage and blossoming exotic-style flowers. When the pool area is viewed from the house a Mediterranean style garden that surrounds is the effect providing layers of texture and interest. Needless to say beyond this point is plenty of green lawn behind the pool/garden arrangement for children to play without the necessity to worry the children’s activities will disturb the Mediterranean- style oasis.