Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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How to Prep Your Garden for Winter

Fall is the time of year many gardeners view as closing gardening season.  However you may wish to rethink this idea. The months of fall are actually excellent for maintaining your garden and getting it prepared for the next growing season. This sort of thinking can be made part of your marvelous backyard makeover for the next growing season. You will also appreciate the view of a clean well- maintained garden area regardless of whether plants are blooming there during the colder periods of the year.

Fall is the ideal time to take care of the maintenance of the grounds as well as the tools you use to keep your garden in the best of shape. So it is advisable to check the soil, take care of the lawn mower in the way of cleaning it and sharpening the blades, and add mulch to the flower beds for the following gardening season.

When you are prepping your backyard for a marvelous makeover for the next season it is further advisable to cease fertilizing plants and adhere to a less frequent watering schedule as the temperatures start to slowly plummet. Many gardeners will want to know what plants to trim back and which to keep the same. This all depends on where you reside and what kind of plants you grow.

If you are not certain the best way to proceed it is highly advisable to ask a horticulturist located within your area of the country. Even a person who works in the plant centre may be able to advise what is best for your particular plants.

You will certainly want to take out any plants that are suffering from disease. In taking them out of your garden you do not run as much of a risk of reintroducing this sort of plant malady during the next gardening season. Also, always at the end of gardening season be sure to provide your gardening area with one final weeding.

This will greatly enhance the appearance of your garden through the final months of fall. This process of final weeding will ensure that each of the unwelcome plants you take out during the fall will not be present to sow their seeds in your garden ready to spring up during the next season.

Did you know that if you plant strawberries at the beginning of the coming fall you may actually have fruit available toward the tail-end of it? Additionally, strawberry plants are hardy and can manufacture fruit for approximately 3 years.

If you like you can take various plants you’ve cut back to their new winter home inside. Also if you decide to plant shrubs and trees prior to fall weather, make sure you maintain a watering schedule. You’ll want to make certain the plants and shrubs are well-established before the colder months arrive. You can also use burlap to cover your plants before frost presents.

Another item on your “to do” checklist is to prune any limbs on trees that are suffering from disease as previously alluded. Do this early on, when you can still tell the difference from the parts of the plants full of vitality and the parts that are not so well.