Backyard and Garden Makeovers by Billy Bristol - HTML preview

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Improve Your Backyard on a Minimal Budget

Nowadays many homeowners are interested in improving the landscaping of their yards however find it difficult on a limited budget. But what is the best way to handle the landscaping detail when means to do so prove a bit on the lean side?

The best approach is to take a good look at your backyard. Ask yourself the following questions:  a) Do you wish to make a significant change or changes?  B) If significant changes are not your concern; then it is supposed that you would like to refresh the look of your yard. In this respect, which areas need improvement? If you do not have the money to buy a new fence for instance, you might consider a fresh coat of paint on your existing fence.

Look at the garden area if you have one. It may be that the garden needs weeding and certain plants pruned or re-housed in containers to be brought inside the house. Also look at the shape your grass is in; you may need to fertilize your lawn in order to invigorate it. All of the preceding suggestions so far will not cost you a great deal of money. For example, taking down a fence and replacing it can prove quite costly, but not so if you can paint the fence. On a wood fence a fresh coat of paint can make a dramatic improvement.

Many flowering plants are not all that expensive. And if you follow the care instructions to the letter, you can often make a good investment by purchasing some of these plants. Create gardens with borders you can often pick up materials for borders for next to nothing or sometimes free. Many persons use all kinds of materials when it comes to bordering a raised bed.

One suggestion came in the form of rocks found at many new housing developments. Once the house is built the rocks are generally taken out of the way in order to landscape the premises. You might ask the builder if they would mind if you take some of these rocks which he is planning to get out of the way. Some persons disassemble pallets and some even turn over old rain gutters or bottles and use them for borders. Use your imagination and you’d be surprised what materials come to mind when wishing to border raised flower beds.

If you don’t want to bother about borders you can still liven up your yard by simply planting a multitude of flowers ranging in various colors – and of the kind that are easy to propagate from cuttings or seed, so that you will eventually have many more for free. Purchasing flowering plants does not present an expensive proposition, so keep it in mind when wishing to give your yard an inexpensive facelift.