Just Hit The Damn Ball!: How To Stop Thinking and Play Your Best Golf by Dave Johnston, B.A.,Psy. - HTML preview

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Robbins, Anthony (1986) Unlimited Power, Random House

Morris, Dr. Karl The Mind Factor: The Players’ Program.

Palmer, Arnold (1963, 1965) My Game and Yours, Simon and Schuster

Sir Walter, Simpson, Sir. W.G. Bart, (1992) The Art of Golf, Ailsa Inc.

Chek, Paul (1999) The Golf Biomechanics Manual, The Chek Institute

Jones, Ernest (1937) Swing The Clubhead Method, Skylane Publishing

Whitmore, John, Coaching For Performance, (1996) Nicholas Brealey Publishing

Special thanks to Pipeline Moe Norman for daring to be different.


About The Author:

Dave Johnston obtained his degree in Psychology from York University. Foregoing a career in clinical psychiatry, he discovered that golf would be a perfect real life venue for studying the human psyche.

He has been the Director of Instruction at the Bloomington Downs Golf Club in Richmond Hill, Ontario since it opened in 1988.

Dave has taught over 11,000 lessons during the past 31 years. His focus has been helping the once a week golfer discover their natural ability, which is often buried under an obsession with proper technique.

This manuscript is the product of a lifelong search to help students find an answer to the question, ”If I can do it once, how can I do it again? ”

Part II: The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed! is available in most major digital bookstores.

Part III: Playing Our Of Your Mind: Moving Beyond Swing Mechanics, is available in major digital bookstores.