Just Hit The Damn Ball!: How To Stop Thinking and Play Your Best Golf by Dave Johnston, B.A.,Psy. - HTML preview

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There is no way I can thank everyone who has provided the impetus to write this manuscript. Every one of the students I have had the privilege of working with have contributed in one form or another. You have shown me more than I have ever taught you. Thank you. 

My wife Mary deserves a medal for enduring thirty years of marriage with a golf instructor. Words cannot express my gratitude for allowing me to pursue a career path that has been anything if not boring!  She provides an anchor to reality, without which the game would be a consuming obsession. 

My brother, Gord, who has I’m sure on numerous occasions, wondered what kind of a geek he has for a sibling. I could very well daydream my life away without his periodic metaphorical kick in the butt to jolt me back to reality. 

Harvey Patterson, musician, writer, perpetual student and lifelong friend who has endured my emotional roller coaster on the golf course. Our conversations during the past twenty years, have provided the incentive to write this manuscript. Thank you for being a willing sounding board. Your feedback has been invaluable.

Dave Richardson, CPGA Retired Head professional, thanks for your guidance. Your insight provided the background information that was the springboard for this work

Jonathan Levitt, thank you for your encouragement when I felt like abandoning the project.

Randy Wood, perpetual student, for challenging me to keep my instruction straightforward and practical.

Shelley Hitz, for providing the tools that allowed me to publish the manuscript that has been floating around in the back of my mind for the past twenty years.

Dr. Paul Kennedy D.D.C. for taking the time to explain the self-regulating mind/body machine to me in layman’s terms.

Dr. Karl. Morris, for his insight on the connection between emotion and memory.

Dr. Harlan Kilstein, for his revelation on the effects of everyday language on performance.

Anthony Robbins, for simplifying the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Bloomington Downs Golf Club and the Miller Paving Group for allowing me the freedom to implement my theories in real life.

“…to model ourselves on a champion is about as profitless, as to copy out Hamlet in the hopes of becoming Shakespeare.”

The Art of Golf, Sir. W.G. Simpson, Bart.