Singorama - Essential Guide To Singing by zaal68 - HTML preview

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Hel o! My name is Christine and I am 27 years old. When I was a child i was always singing no matter where I was. I knew I would be singer and perform on a stage. But then came my teenage life. I stil knew I want to sing, my heart told me so, but my mind was tel ing me that I would never be a great performer and singer, I would never sing on the big stage and I would never have lots of fans. This al is for lucky ones, not for a girl who lives so far from America and lives in a smal vil age. And I listened to my mind not my heart. I was so stupid (sorry for this word). Al my dreams about singing just vanished and I put my dream of life away. Til now!!! One day, I woke up and realized that singing wil make my life complete. This is why I am here on this planet, this is what I was meant to do. Now, I can see it very clearly and that is why I bought your singing program. I bought your program in the next day and started to learn and sing. I sang every day and every month even when I was il . I enjoyed al the exercises that I practiced. I fol owed every step you told me to do. But I wasn't just practicing these exercises.

As I was singing, I listened to what kind of sound came out; what happens with my tongue and throat - every smal detail. First changes I felt after a month. I was always singing in a heady voice. I had a weak, breathy tone. I couldn't sing long sentences, because of my breath control. Some notes I sang in my nose. But after that month I started to sing in my chest voice, it became stronger and deeper. High notes weren’t causing that much problems like before. I could sing higher. Then after lesson two I found my mix voice and that was a big moment of happiness for me. But I was stil struggling with my breaks. Sometimes I just couldn't get into this break smoothly and nice. But I didn't give up. I was especial y working on these break problems. Now it is almost perfect!!! It's been five months and I have been practicing singing with your program and I sing very wel now. With every passing day, I learn something new about my voice and every day it becomes stronger and better. I am stil practicing warm-up lessons and style lessons. It is so fun and interesting to find out how far your voice can go and how good it can be. But I don't want to stop on that. This is my dream and I want to move on to the next level. The most important thing is NOT for me to have a perfect voice just to get a lot of money and be popular. No!!! I want to have this strong and good voice for myself - for my soul, heart and my fans. I want to sing and feel that my heart and soul are dancing in me; also to feel lucky and loved. Only then wil I feel truly fulfil ed. Thank you for living on this earth and helping people to find their true voices inside them. You have helped make their dreams come true. You are the greatest. You have my respect.