Singorama - Essential Guide To Singing by zaal68 - HTML preview

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Adam Price


I've gone from being a pure beginner to coming third out of 100 competitors where 40 or so were quite strong singers!

My name is Adam and I've been singing for about a year now and have gone from being a pure beginner to coming third out of 100 competitors where 40 or so were quite strong singers! When I first started to learn how to sing I just went to karaoke bars and blasted out a tune, a lot of the time in a very strained way, because I never new how sound worked in the first place. Then after a while a few of the singers mentioned I should get singing lessons as I had a good base voice with potential. Not being someone who wanted to go and get lessons from a teacher, I turned to the internet and found Singorama. I have to say their singing tools and explanations of how sound works (which I never had any understanding of before) or what articulators and resonators were in my voice and how they effectively created an

"unstrained" sound. But from the audio ebooks that you supplied - combined with the real world examples that I could fol ow along with - was a real breath of fresh air. By doing what the book suggested and practicing the various scales, pitches and metronomes for 2 x 15

minute sessions daily and implementing what I learn into my songs, I discovered the bridge from just doing the exercise to adapting the exercises into my songs. My voice become stronger and stronger and I was able to hit notes that I never thought I would and produce sounds that shocked the heck out of everyone who heard me sing. I get praise now from many people when I sing in karaoke competitions. One judge even asked me "who is your teacher" and I must say I was proud to tel them I learn from a company online cal ed

"Singorama", to which she replied. . "WOW! They real y know their stuff, congratulations you have a beautiful voice.” Overal , I have to say that if you fol ow each lesson in Singorama from beginner to advanced you're going to learn a "heck of a lot" about musical notes and why it's so important to understand music in singing. You'l also learn how to produce sound, articulate and breath so that you don't run out of air on the high and big notes in songs (which I used to constantly do before this course) and so much more that I could write for a whole day on what I've learnt. Thank you so much Singorama for developing me from a pure beginner to someone who can hold his own on stage with very developed and seasoned entertainers. I would highly recommend you and your thorough course to anyone considering using it and "sticking" with the program step-by-step, that's the key.

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