Your Sailing Handbook for Beginners by Samantha Rogerson - HTML preview

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A small sailboat is more prone to capsizing than larger boats. This might be because it lacks a strong centerboard to keep itself upright when a strong wind comes along or a big wave hits the boat, when the boat isn't positioned properly in relation to the wind, or if the crew doesn't shift fast enough while tacking or gibing or if the sheets are drawn in too tight for the point of sail.

This is what you should do in case you capsize: 1. Move to mast side of the boat and release the mainsail and jibsheat so the sails will be lose when you bring the boat to its original position.

2. Go to the side with the hull , you should be able to see the centerboard sticking out. try to rotate the boat so it's facing the wind.

3. Hold on the the side of the boat and place your feet on the top side of the centreboard, and in oune swift movement stand up while pulling the boat towards yourself. Your weight should bring the boat right back up.

4. Climb back into the boat, and try to make sure the boat is facing the wind.

5. Make sure all the lines are clear and position your weight to avoid capsizing again.

Make sure to stay calm and follow these steps slowly.



Collisions between boats happen quite often. Follow these rules to avoid collisions with other boats. Whenever two boats are approaching, one boat is called the stand­ on vessel, meaning that he must continue its course and the other is called give­ way vessel, he must turn around to avoid the collision.

If the boats are on different tacks, the meaning that the sails are on different sides of the boat, the sailboat on the starboard tack with the wind coming from the starboard side, with sails thus out to the port, or left, side, is the stand­ on vessel and the boat on port tack must give way.

If the boats are on the same tack, the leeward, boat going downwind, is the stand­ on vessel and the windward vessel must give way.

