Reference Books
The Survival of Civilization
“The Survival of Civilization is regarded by a growing movement worldwide as a blueprint for the survival of the Earth, restoring ecological balance and, perhaps, even recreating Eden.
Nerdling Special Nuclear Issue
This zine does not even try to be a comprehensive guide to radiation. There are some good references cited along the way for further reading.
Power Transformer Maintenance and Acceptance Testing
A US Army manual on power transformer maintenance and acceptance testing
Heuristics of Social Process Design
A study to optimize and document the design of learning processes (or more generally social processes) of individuals and groups from gaming.
Camera Modelling and Calibration - with Applications
A brief overview on the methods for measuring/calculating positions and poses using vision and 2D images.
Case Study Based Convergence Behaviour Analysis of ACO Applied to Optimal Design of Water Distribution Systems
A study to determine the least cost solution to an optimization problem via the process of stigmergy based on an analogical link with nature, ant colony optimization (ACO).
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Its Application to Generalized Assignment Problem
A unique approach to model and solve complex optimization problems by employing natural metaphors (an artificial bee colony).
Sequential Design of Optimum Sized and Geometric Tolerances
This study provides insight on the impact of dimensional and geometric tolerancing on the cost and quality of a product.
Optimize Variant Product Design Based on Component Interaction Graph
An overview in product variety design methodologies through the computational design optimization methods, and developing product architecture under the support of information technologies. It aims at providing product designers a rational and systematic methodology in dealing with product...
An Introduction to Braid Scots
A short vocabulary of Braid Scots, the language of the ordinary people of Scotland, as illustrated especially by their folk songs. Includes a brief introduction, a vocabulary of about a thousand words, a selection of folk songs as examples of Scots usage, a brief history of Scottish, and an index.