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18 April 2005

FM 3-19.15



Civil Disturbance Formations

Platoon Echelon Right and Left Formations

6-65. The command for forming a platoon echelon right is “Platoon Echelon

Right, Move.” After the platoon leader's preparatory command, the squad

leader of the 1st squad commands, “Follow Me.” The squad leaders of the 2d

and 3d squads command, “Stand Fast.” On the command of execution, the 1st

squad moves out and executes an echelon right at the location designated by

the platoon leader. As the 1st squad clears the column, the 3d and 2d squads

extend the echelon. The 2d squad performs support to this formation in the

same ways it supports a line formation.

6-66. The command for forming a platoon echelon left is “Platoon Echelon

Left, Move.” The platoon echelon right is formed in the same manner as the

echelon left (see Figure 6-14). Figures 6-15; 6-16, page 6-22 ; and 6-17,

page 6-23 show support formations in a left echelon.

Figure 6-14. Platoon Echelon Left Formation

6-67. To assemble the platoon, the commander takes his position to the rear

of the formation with the platoon HQ. On the preparatory command, “Platoon

Assemble,” the 1st squad leader does an about-face movement while all other


FM 3-19.15

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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-15. Platoon Echelon Left Formation With 2d Squad in

General Support

members assume the port arms position and face the baseman. On the

command, “Move,” the 1st squad moves first, followed by the 3d and 2d

squads. Each squad dresses with the 1st squad as it reaches the AA. The

assembly of the echelon right formation is the same as the echelon left.

Platoon Wedge Formation

6-68. The command for forming the platoon wedge formation is “Platoon

Wedge, Move.” After the platoon leader's preparatory command, the squad

leaders of the 1st and 3d squads command, “Follow Me.” At the same time, the

2d squad leader commands, “Stand Fast.” On the platoon leader's command of

execution, the 1st and 4th squads move directly to the front. The 1st squad

executes an echelon left on the baseman while the 3d squad executes an

echelon right. When the last man of the 1st and 4th squads clear the 2d squad, the 2d squad leader commands, “Follow Me,” and moves out to the left and

right. The 2d squad splits and the A and B teams go to the right and the C

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FM 3-19.15



Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-16. Platoon Echelon Left Formation With 2d Squad in

Lateral Support

team goes to the left to extend the formation (see Figure 6-18). Assembly of the wedge formation is the same as the platoon line.

Platoon Wedge Formation With General Support

6-69. The command for forming a platoon wedge formation with support is

“Platoon Wedge, 2d Squad in Support, Move.” The 1st and 3d squads execute

the wedge while the 2d squad remains in a column formation (see Figure 6-19,

page 6-24).

Platoon Wedge Formation With Lateral Support

6-70. The command for forming a platoon wedge formation with lateral

support is “Platoon Wedge, 2d Squad in Lateral Support, Move.” The 1st and

3d squads execute the wedge while the 2d squad stands fast. After the 1st and

3d squads have cleared the column, the 2d squad leader commands, “Follow

Me.” If no direction is given, the 2d squad splits to cover both flanks. A squad 6-22

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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-17. Platoon Echelon Left With 2d Squad in Direct Support

Figure 6-18. Platoon Wedge Formation

may be used to cover one flank by commanding, “2d Squad Right (or Left)

Lateral Support” (see Figures 6-20 and 6-21, page 6-25).

6-71. To move the 2d squad from general support to lateral support, the

platoon leader commands, “2d Squad, Lateral Support, Move.” To have the 2d

squad join the wedge from general or lateral support, the platoon leader

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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-19. Platoon Wedge Formation With 2d Squad in General Support

commands, “2d Squad, Extend the Wedge, Move.” To extend the wedge, the 2d

squad splits and the teams move to the left and right, respectively.

Platoon Wedge Formation With Direct Support

6-72. The command for forming a platoon wedge formation with the 2d squad

in direct support is “Platoon Wedge, 2d Squad in Direct Support, Move.” The

1st and 3d squads execute a wedge. The 2d squad waits for the squad and/or

team leaders to move to the rear, as in the line formation, before executing a wedge directly behind and centered on the main formation. The individuals in

the supporting wedge cover the intervals between individuals in the leading

wedge (see Figure 6-22, page 6-26).

Platoon Diamond and Circle Formations

6-73. These formations are used in open areas or where the crowd may be

able to envelop the formation. The diamond and circle formations are

primarily defensive in nature and difficult to maneuver. The decision about

which formation to use is based on the ability of the platoon to perform them.


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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-20. Platoon Wedge Formation With 2d Squad in Lateral Support

Figure 6-21. Platoon Wedge Formation With 2d Squad in Right Lateral


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FM 3-19.15



Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-22. Platoon Wedge Formation With 2d Squad in Direct Support

The command for having a platoon form in a diamond or circle formation is

“Platoon Diamond (or Circle), Move.” On the command of execution, the 1st

squad leader moves the baseman to the place indicated by the squad leader.

The baseman becomes the 12 o’clock position while the 1st squad lines up to

the left of the baseman covering the 8 to 12 o’clock positions. The 3d squad

aligns itself to the right of the baseman, covering the 12 to 4 o’clock positions and the 2d squad aligns itself, covering the 4 to 8 o’clock positions (see Figures

6-23 and 6-24).

6-74. To assemble from a platoon diamond or circle formation, the HQ

element takes the same steps as that of a line formation. The 1st squad leads

the platoon back to the AA followed by the 2d and 3d squads. Squads fall into

a column formation as they file back to the AA.


6-75. During crowd control operations, the platoon leader may rotate his

squads to give them a rest. He is not limited to using only those squads

specified in the preceding examples as the lead elements of the formations. He can replace the base elements by commanding direct support to the 1st squad

and then directing the 1st squad into general support. The support element

(the 2d squad) then passes through the 1st squad. Once the 2d squad is

formed directly behind the 1st squad, the 1st squad leader commands, “Right

Face.” The members of the 1st squad do a right-face movement and the 2d

squad steps quickly though the 1st squad and forms the base formation. The

1st squad leader then commands, “Follow Me,” and leads his squad to the

general support position. This procedure is often necessary when protective

masks are used and chemical irritants employed. The 1st squad then replaces

the 3d squad in the same manner. Platoons participating in company

operations are relieved in the same manner.


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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-23. Platoon Diamond Formation

Figure 6-24. Platoon Circle Formation


6-76. When forming control force formations from the column, the platoon

leader moves to the right of the platoon and faces it when giving his

commands. He gives the hand-and-arm signal and the preparatory command.

On the command of execution, “Move,” he points to the approximate location

where he wants the platoon to form. The platoon leader pauses between the

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Civil Disturbance Formations

preparatory command and the command of execution to allow each squad

leader to issue a preparatory command to his squad.

Platoon Line Formation

6-77. The command for forming a platoon line formation is “Platoon Line,

Move.” Immediately following the platoon leader's preparatory command, the

squad leaders of the 1st and 4th squads command, “Follow Me.” The squad

leaders of the 2d and 3d squads command, “Stand Fast.” On the platoon

leader's command of execution, the 1st and 4th squads move forward to the

point designated by the platoon leader. The 1st A team member of the 1st

squad is the baseman for the platoon formation. The 1st squad forms a squad

line to the left of the baseman and the 4th squad forms a squad line to the

right of the baseman with all lines dressed to the right. After the 1st and 4th squads have cleared the platoon, the 2d and 3d squad leaders command,

“Follow Me.” The 2d squad forms a squad line to the left of the 1st squad. The 3d squad forms a squad line to the right of the 4th squad. All squads dress

with the 4th squad (see Figure 6-25).

Platoon Line Formation Assembly

6-78. When assembling from the platoon line formation, the platoon leader

and his HQ personnel take a position to the rear of the platoon. He then gives the command, “Platoon Assemble,” while raising his right arm and making a

circular motion above his head. Platoon members automatically assume the

port arms position. The 1st squad leader and the baseman do an about-face

movement. All other platoon members do an about-face movement toward the

baseman. On the platoon leader's command of execution, he points to where

he wants the platoon to assemble. He commands, “Follow Me,” and moves his

squad toward the AA. The 1st squad files to the baseman position, followed by

the 2d squad. As the 2d squad clears the baseman position, the 4th squad

leader then commands, “Follow Me,” and leads his squad to the AA, followed

by the 3d squad. As the 1st squad comes to a halt facing the crowd in the AA,

the 2d squad assumes its position to the right of the 1st squad. As the 4th

squad assembles, it dresses on the 1st squad, leaving space for the 3d squad to return to its place in the formation. Once the platoon is formed into a column formation, HQ personnel take their position in the formation. The PSG then

commands, “Countercolumn, March,” and moves the platoon to the rally point.

Platoon Line Formation With General Support

6-79. Whenever the command for establishing a crowd control formation

contains the phrase “In Support Without Modification,” it means that the

support element is to remain in general support. The command for forming a

platoon line with two squads in general support is “Platoon Line, 2d and 3d

Squads in Support, Move.” The 1st and 4th squads execute the line, while the

2d and 3d squads remain in the column (see Figure 6-26, page 6-30). To assemble a platoon with two squads in general support, the procedure is the

same as that of the platoon line, except that the 1st and 4th squads dress on

with the 2d and 3d squads.


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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-25. Platoon Line Formation With Four Squads

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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-26. Platoon Line Formation With d and 3d Squads in General


Platoon Line Formation With Lateral Support

6-80. The command for forming a platoon line formation with two squads in

lateral support is “Platoon Line, 2d and 3d Squads in Lateral Support, Move.”

The 4th and 1st squads execute the line as before, and the 2d and 3d squads

stand fast. After the line has been formed, the squad leaders of the 2d and 3d squads command, “Follow Me.” The 2d squad forms a column behind the last

man of the 1st squad. The 3d squad forms a column behind the last man of the

4th squad (see Figure 6-27).

6-81. Squads may be moved from general support to lateral support at any

time by the platoon leader. He commands, “2d and 3d Squads, Lateral

Support, Move.” To have the 2d and 3d squads join the line from either

support position, the platoon leader commands, “2d and 3d Squads, Extend

the Line, Move.” The 2d and 3d squad leaders command, “Follow Me.” On the

command of execution, the squads set up individual lines, closing and

dressing with the existing line. To assemble the platoon from a platoon line

with lateral support, the procedure is the same as that of the platoon line,

except lateral support squads face forward until they move to the AA.


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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-27. Platoon Line Formation With 2d and 3d Squads in Lateral Support Platoon Line Formation With Direct Support

6-82. The command for forming a platoon line with two squads in direct

support is “Platoon Line, 2d and 3d Squads in Direct Support, Move.” The 1st

and 4th squads execute a line as before. The 2d and 3d squads execute a 2d

line directly to the rear and centered on the 1st line. The members in the

direct support line cover the intervals between members in the baseline. To do

this, the squad and team leaders of the 1st and 4th squads must take two

steps to the rear to allow space for the 2d and 3d squads to move into place.

After seeing the squad and team leaders move back from the line, 2d and 3d

squad leaders command, “Follow Me,” and lead their squads into position (see

Figure 6-28).

Figure 6-28. Platoon Line Formation With 2d and 3d Squads in Direct Support 6-83. To assemble the support squads from any position to general support,

the platoon leader commands, “2d and 3d Squads in Support, Move.” The 2d

and 3d squads then return to a column behind the line formed by the 1st and

4th squads. To assemble the entire platoon, the procedure is the same as that

of a platoon line, except that the 2d squad moves to the AA first, followed by the 3d, 1st, and 4th squads.

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FM 3-19.15


Civil Disturbance Formations

Platoon Line Formation With One Support Squad

6-84. The command for forming a platoon line formation with one squad in

support is “Platoon Line, 3d Squad in Support, Move.” The 1st squad moves

out and executes a squad line. The 2d and 4th squads form a line on the side of the left and rights sides of the 1st squad. The 3d squad remains in column

formation. The support squad may be used in lateral support on one or both

sides of the formation or in direct support of any segment of the formation. To assemble the platoon, the procedure is the same as that of a platoon line,

except that all squads dress with the 3d squad.

Platoon Echelon Right and Left Formations

6-85. The command for forming a platoon echelon right formation is “Platoon

Echelon Right, Move.” After the platoon leader's preparatory command, the

squad leader of the 1st squad commands, “Follow Me.” The squad leaders of

the 2d, 3d, and 4th squads command, “Stand Fast.” On the command of

execution, the 1st squad moves out and executes an echelon right at the

location designated by the platoon leader. As each squad clears the column,

the next successive squad moves out and extends the echelon that has been

formed. To assemble the platoon, the procedure is the same as that of a

platoon line, except that all squads file back in order.

6-86. The command for forming a platoon echelon left formation is “Platoon

Echelon Left, Move.” The platoon echelon left is formed in the same manner as

the echelon right, but in reverse order (see Figure 6-29). To assemble the platoon, the procedure is the same as that of an echelon right. See

Figures 6-30, page 6-34 ; 6-31, page 6-35 ; and 6-32, page 6-36, for examples of echelon formations with support.

Platoon Wedge Formation

6-87. The command for forming the platoon wedge formation is “Platoon

Wedge, Move.” After the platoon leader’s preparatory command, the 1st and

4th squad leaders command, “Follow Me.” At the same time, the 2d and 3d

squad leaders command, “Stand Fast.” On the platoon leader’s command of

execution, the 1st and 4th squads move directly to the front. When the last

members of the 1st and 4th squads clear the 2d and 3d squads, the 2d and 3d

squad leaders command, “Follow Me,” and move out to the left and right. The

1st squad executes an echelon left on the baseman and the 4th squad executes

an echelon right. The 2d squad forms an echelon left on the last man of the 1st squad. The 3d squad forms an echelon right on the last man of the 4th squad.

This completes the wedge formation (see Figure 6-33, page 6-36). To assemble the platoon, the procedure is the same as that of a platoon line.

Platoon Wedge Formation With General Support

6-88. The command for forming a platoon wedge formation with two squads in

support is “Platoon Wedge, 2d and 3d Squads in Support, Move.” The 1st and

4th squads execute the wedge while the 2d and 3d squads remain in column

formation (see Figure 6-34, page 6-37).


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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-29. Platoon Echelon Left Formation With Four Squads

Platoon Wedge Formation With Lateral Support

6-89. The command for forming a platoon wedge formation with lateral

support is “Platoon Wedge, 2d and 3d Squads in Lateral Support, Move.” The

1st and 4th squads execute the wedge while the 2d and 3d squads stand fast.

After the 1st and 4th squads have cleared the column, the 2d and 3d squad

leaders command, “Follow Me,” and move out to the left and right. The 2d

squad forms a column formation behind the last man of the 1st squad. The 3d

squad forms a column formation behind the last man of the 4th squad (see

Figure 6-35, page 6-38).

6-90. To move the 2d and 3d squads from general to lateral support, the

platoon leader commands, “2d and 3d Squads, Lateral Support, Move.” To

have the 2d and 3d squads join the wedge from general or lateral support, the

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Civil Disturbance Formations

Figure 6-30. Platoon Echelon Left Formation With 2d and

3d Squads in General Support

platoon leader commands, “2d and 3d Squads, Extend the Wedge, Move.” The

2d and 3d squad leaders command, “Follow Me,” and move out to the left and

right to extend the wedge on the 1st and 4th squads.

Platoon Wedge Formation With Direct Support

6-91. The command for forming a platoon wedge with two squads in direct

support is “Platoon Wedge, 2d and 3d Squads in Direct Support, Move.” The

1st and 4th squads execute a wedge. The 2d and 3d squads execute a wedge

and close in on the leading wedge. The members in the supporting wedge

cover the intervals between members in the leading wedge. To do this, the

squad and team leaders of the 1st and 4th squads must take two steps to the

rear to allow space for the 2d and 3d squads to move into place. After seeing

the squad and team leaders move back from the line, the 2d and 3d squad

leaders command, “Follow Me,” and lead their squads into position (See

Figure 6-36, page 6-38). To move the 2d and 3d squads back to general support, the platoon leader commands, “2d and 3d Squads Support, Move.”

Then the 2d and 3d squads move to their general support positions. To
