Dealing with Divorce 4 Part EBook Series: The Process (Part 1) by Galbraith Family Law - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: Do I REALLY Need a Lawyer?


“Lawyers make things worse and they cost a lot of money!”

I’ve heard it many times. The truth is that some lawyers do make things worse. They make a mountain out of a molehill. They take advantage of their client’s negative feelings, distort the issues and blow them out of proportion. They can turn a resolvable issue into a huge court battle. In the end, nobody wins, except the lawyers.

But there is a new breed of lawyers that see themselves as problem solvers: Collaborative Practice lawyers. They want to help people find win-win solutions so they can get on with their lives. They help their clients to see past the negative emotions and focus on the big picture. They help their clients understand their choices and work with them to find a solution that is fair to everyone involved – one that will be long lasting and cost-effective.

Lawyers are not much different than mechanics. There are some that will create work for themselves and others that will treat you the way you would like to be treated. The funny thing is that when a car breaks down, most people will go to their mechanic for help. When a marriage breaks down, many people try to fix it themselves because they believe “Lawyers will only make it worse.”

Ask yourself this: Which will have a greater impact on me: a car breakdown or a marriage breakdown? Maybe you should get help with your separation and try to fix the car yourself.

The lesson? Shop around. Find a lawyer who cares. Our lawyers really want to help you resolve your legal problems in an efficient and cost-effective manner and create a resolution that will last for years to come so that you can drive off into the sunset... assuming you can fix your car that is!