Dream Meanings

Dream Meanings


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Published: 10 years ago

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Book Description

The Interpretation of dreams is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. Dreams were, in ancient times considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be raveled by people with certain powers. Derived from the Middle English word, “dreme” meaning "joy" and "music", they are classified into visual and symbolism; a thought is translated to visual images and a symbol replaces an action, person, or idea respectively.Dreaming reflects a pivotal aspect of the processing of memory. Human beings, throughout history have sought to understand the meaning of dreams. Till today many struggle to understand their dreams in relation to their lives. They come in different types depending on one’s mood and/or stress levels.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Stone Harden
    Good story line
    07 May 2022
    But! Never thought the story would develop. Far too much small talk....
  • User image   Ruth Daniel
    19 Jul 2022
    I appreciate the feedback. Thank you
  • User image   Olivia
    Waiting for a second one
    02 Mar 2022
    I didn't think that I would like this book as much I did. I really enjoyed reading it and it honestly left me wanting more. I loved that the affection between Mark and Samantha wasn't one sided, I always find it refreshing to read a book where the wrongs and apologies of the relationship are not left to one character. I don't know if there will be a second book or if a book will be written for another member of the family, but I would really like it if either of the two happened.
  • User image   Olivia
    Waiting for a second one
    02 Mar 2022
    I didn't think that I would like this book as much I did. I really enjoyed reading it and it honestly left me wanting more. I loved that the affection between Mark and Samantha wasn't one sided, I always find it refreshing to read a book where the wrongs and apologies of the relationship are not left to one character. I don't know if there will be a second book or if a book will be written for another member of the family, but I would really like it if either of the two happened.
  • User image   Ruth Daniel
    19 Jul 2022
    Thank you so much for the feedback. A second one is coming shortly about another member of the family. My prayer for you is that the miracles you desire would come to fruition and that you will come to love and trust the Lord like Samantha.
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L.T. Cooper