Family & Home Pandemic Prepared (Coronavirus nCoV-2019, Covid-19, Wuhan Flu) ness by Lynn Jack - HTML preview

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First Aid may be the difference between life and death. This self-aid or buddy aid manual is great to have multiple copies around on a bookshelf, in your rucksack, vehicle.

From simple wound care to traumatic injuries, this 1st aid guide can help. This Army Field Manual is the answer to all your First Aid needs.

The book contains 121 pages.

The book is created, trusted and battle tested by the US Armed Forces. It should be part of every bug-out bag and vehicle, and used by preppers, hunters, climbers, campers, outdoorspeople, hikers and anyone looking to survive natural or man-made disasters.

Contents of the Army First Aid Manual include:

  • Fundamentals of First Aid
  • Evaluating a Casualty
  • Open Airway
  • Bleeding Control
  • Burn Treatment
  • Bites and Stings
  • Heat Illness
  • Cold Injury
  • Fractures and Splining
  • Rescue Breathing
  • CPR
  • Head Injuries
  • Abdominal Injuries
  • Shock
  • Eye Injuries
  • Much Much More