First Aid - Simple, Fast, Effective


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Book Description HTML

Use this easy to read, step by step guide to help you recognize and care for all types of injuries in all age groups. Authored by a Paramedic and designed for the novice; this book gives you simple, easy to follow, step by step instructions guiding you through the causes, signs, symptoms and treatment of a huge range of conditions, from cuts and abrasions, to sprained ankles, heart attack, stroke and unconsciousness.With the latest CPR techniques, crystal clear explanations and many “How To” images, this possible life-saving manual is a must read for the whole family.

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David Ashton

Born in 1964 in Sydney Australia and lived along the East Coast most of my life. I worked in the safety health and fitness industry for 20 years and obtained a Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedics) from Charles Sturt University. Now retired from the Queensland Ambulance Service i am enjoying an extended stay in the Philippines. David Ashton B.A Bachelor of Clinical Practice, Dip Hyp. M.A.E.P.H