Fiverr Sales Machine - How to Boost Your Fiverr Sales Over 100% by Sam Adeyinka - HTML preview

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How to Create a Fiverr Gig Step by Step

In the following texts you will learn how to start and create a fiverr micro-job business and how to succeed from the on set. Read on…

Do your research

Before you create a gig I will suggest that you first do a thorough research of the market, e.g. what are the things that sell on fiverr, how you would go about selling your talents, what are the tools you will need to be effective at delivering your gigs and make deserve money on fiverr.

These are some of the things I feel you should consider if truly you wish to succeed doing fiverr.

I considered these things for good three (3) months before I lunched into the world of fiverr and in just two (2) months I had made several dollars and you can see the screenshots below as you read on.

Creating a Gig

When you sign up for Fiverr, you get all excited to be able to finally make some 'easy' cash online. To create a gig, click "Sales" on the top bar of the Fiverr page, then the green "Create Gig" button on the right side. Here are the tips the other Fiverr sellers suggest.

Step One: Research the KEY to being successful on Fiverr and do well to make a gig with originality and that will stand the test of time.

This means you need to really be different than the rest of the sellers! Sure, you can offer something similar, but to really stand out and make a difference, you need to be yourself and come up with something new.

I bet you heard about that dude from Nigeria that went on and make a Juju gig and became really successful selling that gig. Just make sure you do a thorough and clean research before you think of creating any gig at all.

How do I do that I can see you’re already asking? Just go take a look at the Featured & Top Sellers for inspiration! This does not mean copy their gigs or offer the same things they do.

What you need to do is get the motivation to be yourself and look inside yourself for your unique skills. Seriously, not everyone can do everything you are able to do, so market that stuff and go for it!

Step Two: An Enchanted Title Do not always explain everything you are going to do in your title, it just makes it cluttered and it will cut off the words strangely in a link.

A wonderful Top-Seller here made the best statement for this. "When a buyer clicks on your gig, there should be no surprises." This means you need to keep your title direct and to the point.

There are only 80 characters in a gig title, and really should stay below that without difficulty.

The words you use should be words a buyer/customer would use to find something, so don't add all the extra keywords, especially since you can put those in your description or tags.

Need a little encouragement, look around at the other gigs sold in the same field as you are trying to sell, but do not copy that!

Step Three: The Right Department (Categories). You don't go to the kitchen appliances section of a department store to look for shoes (at least, I hope not), so don't try to place your gig into a category and subcategory which would not make sense from a buyer's view.

Your gig may fit into multiple categories, so it is up to you to judge which one makes more sense and fits more of the details of the offer.

If you really cannot decide, perhaps separating what you offer into multiple gigs based on each part of what you offer will help.

Do not make the same gig for two different categories! With the current set-up of Fiverr, you can only offer a gig to a Buyer Request if your gig and the buyer's request are the same category and subcategory, so be aware of how your buyer would think and sort your gig properly.

Step Four: Showing Off Your Talent (Pictures). The gig gallery is where you upload images to represent your gig. Images must be in

JPEG format, 682 pixels wide x 459 pixels high and no more than 2MB each.

I still remember while I was starting up fiverr and try to upload a picture and it wasn’t accepting my image, I felt really befuddled until I contacted BamideleOjo who’s my go to person as far as fiverr is concerned.

Your image needs to be related to the service you are offering, or better, show buyers who they’ll be working with and by adding a photo of yourself. Your image cannot be a stock image or something you do not own the copyrights to.

When a buyer is browsing the Fiverr search, they will only see an image and the gig title, so try not to have any words in your image and be sure to still make it eye catching and appealing.

Step Five: Your Full Offer (Description) Okay, I have said this before and it seems almost as if I’m repeating myself but mind you I need to reiterate well on this issue as it’s the singular most important aspect that will single you out from every fiverr seller and that will help you sell like magic on fiverr.

So, your description needs to contain as much useful information as possible in less than 1,200 characters, which is roughly 200 words.

Don't just restate your gig offer and your credentials; include a bullet-point list of what exactly they will receive when they order. Be as clear as possible on what you will and will not do so you run into fewer issues in the future.

For me, I try to include the phrase, "Please contact me before ordering so we can work out the details," so I have less surprise gig orders.

Step Six: You're It! (Tags) Many people say tags are the key to getting sales, yes they are and I cannot tell you otherwise.

You have five (5) tags available to you, which can be multiple words or a single word.

Again, think as your buyer would think and add tags which are relevant to your gig and not mentioned in the title.

I often ask friends to review my gigs and give me a few words that first come to their heads when they think of the service I provide.

Step Seven: Make a short video minimum of 10 seconds and maximum of 60. It must have sound, exclusive from fiverr and must not be more than 50MB.