Foot Marches by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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(No change from oral orders)

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1st Bn, 66th Inf

MIDLAND (FM980876),

GEORGIA 151000R Apr



Reference: Map, series v661, GEORGIA, Sheet 4882,

COLUMBUS, Edition 1,1:50,000.

Time Zone Used Throughout the Order: ROMEO

Task Org: Annex A, Road Movement Table.

Annex B, Strip Map (omitted).


a. Enemy Forces:

(1) Enemy has withdrawn across MULBERRY Creek (FM9918).

(2) Indications are that enemy will continue to delay on successive positions.

b. Friendly Forces: 1st Bde moves by foot and motor commencing at 160700 Apr to assembly area vicinity MIDLAND (GM0106).

c. Attachment and Detachments: None.


1-66 Inf moves by foot and motor commencing 160700 Apr to occupy assembly area vicinity FLATROCK (FM9903).




a. Concept of Operation: 1-66 Inf moves by foot in four march units, crossing SP at 160700 Apr and closing new area by 161209 Apr. Motorized elements follow main body by bounds.

(1) Maneuver order of march is MU1, TACCP, MU2, MU3, main CP, MU4, trail party/trains.

(2) Fire support. Priority of 81-mm mortars is to MU1 then to MU2. The 81-mm mortar priority target is allocated to MU1.

(3) Counterair. Priority of protection to main body then to the trail party.

(4) Engineering. Priority of effort is to mobility then survivability. Priority of support is to MU1.

b. March Unit 1.

c. March Unit 2.

d. March Unit 3.

e. March Unit 4. Pick up all road guards and stragglers f. Coordinating instructions:

(1) Reconnaissance Party assembles Bn Cp 151500 Apr and departs 151600 Apr. Returns NLT 152400 Apr.

(2) Quartering party assembles at the Bn CP at 160300

Apr. Departs 160400 Apr. Quartering Party will post road guards at all checkpoints.

(3) Formation: column of files on each side of road.

(4) Annex A, Road Movement Table.

(5) Annex B, Strip Map (omitted).


a. Materiel and Services:

Supply: Cl I. Individuals carry 1 MRE for noon meal 16 Apr.


Transportation: One HMMWV attached to each march unit for straggler control. Four HMMWVs attached to the Scout Platoon for Reconnaissance Party duties. Upon return of Reconnaissance Party, HMMWVs will be attached to quartering party. One 5-ton cargo truck will be attached to March Unit four for road guard police and straggler control.

b. Medical: March collecting points will be located at checkpoints 1 and 6. (Annex A, Road Movement Table).


a. Command: Command Group and March CP at head of March Unit 2.

b. Signal:

(1) SOI, Index 1-7.

(2) Listening silence except for emergencies.




Annexes: A - Road Movement Table

B - Strip Map (omitted)

Distribution A





(No change from oral orders)

Copy No._of_copies

1st Bn 66th Inf

MIDLAND (FM980876),

GEORGIA 151000S Apr


Annex A (Road Movement Table) to OPORD 7

Reference: OPORD 7

1. Rate of March: 4 kph.

2. Distances: Between men, 5 meters; between pit, 50 meters; between co, 100 meters.

3. Halts: SOP.

4. Routes: MOYE Road; BUENA VISTA Road; SCHATULGA Road.

5. Route Classification Restrictions: None.

6. Critical Points:

a. SP: Jet MOYE Rd and 2d ARMD DIV Rd (FM 988882).

b. RP: Jet SCHATULGA Rd and WARM SPRINGS Rd FM 998035).

c. Other Critical Points:

Jet MOYE Rd and ST MARYS Rd (FM 987696) (CP1).

Jet MOYE Rd and STEAM MILL Rd (FM 998908) (CP2.

Jet MOYE Rd and BUENA VISTA Rd (FM 998940) (CP3).

Jet BUENA VISTA Rd and SCHATULGA Rd (GM 001942) (CP4).

Jet SCHATULGA Rd and FORREST Rd (GM 001963) (CP5).

Jet SCHATULGA Rd and MACON Rd (GM 000002) (CP6).

7. Main Route to Start Point: MOYE Rd.

8. Main Route from Release Point: Unnamed Trail (as designated by guides).

9. March Units: (See chart.)
