Changing over from a normal laundry tub to a supertub:
Follow instructions for Turning off the water supply:
And remove taps by placing a screwdriver in each end and using leverage anticlockwise. Remove trap from waste pipe and remove tub and cabinet.
Open up wall in-between studs to expose original water piping in behind new supertub position. Measure height of inlet nipples on supertub and locate these marks made 8-inches (200 mm) below on your wallboard or on the timber studs.
Now if you located the two laundry hot and cold feed lines rising up past your wall opening simply note what material it is made of; if galv you will have to cut the pipe about a foot (300 mm) above the floor where you have marked the male wingback's to go and make a second cut about a foot (300 mm) above this position to give yourself the room you need to be able to place your timber fixing for the male wingbacks. And if galv you will need a special galv repair coupling with a brass barrel nipple to bridge the lower hacksaw cut and the poly pipe through to the new male wingbacks position.