Inside The U.S. Transportation Security Administration by Michael Erbschloe - HTML preview

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Surface Transportation Security Grants

Within the surface transportation systems, TSA’s primary security focus is in oversight, cooperation, and regulation. TSA works collaboratively with surface transportation operators, local, state and federal security partners to ensure appropriate security postures are employed. Along with industry partners, TSA safeguards all four general modes of land-based transportation: mass transit, freight rail, highway motor carrier and pipeline; and supports in maritime security efforts.

DHS has directed funding for surface transportation security grants for mass transit and passenger rail, trucking, freight rail, intercity buses and certain ferry systems to fund operational deterrence; hardening of tunnels, high-density stations and bridges; and other security efforts. TSA reviews and prioritizes projects for appropriated surface transportation security grants. Final funding awarded is based on a multi-agency recommendation, including TSA and FEMA, to the Secretary of Homeland Security. Surface transportation security grant programs include, but are not limited to:


Transit Security Grant Program: Created by the DHS Appropriations Act of 2005, and authorized by the Implementing the Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, this program provides funding to the owners and operators of passenger rail, intra-city bus and certain ferry systems.

Freight Rail Security Grant Program: Authorized the 9/11 Act and initiated in FY 2008, this program funds security initiatives for freight rail carriers and related entities that transport rail sensitive security materials through high density population areas.

Intercity Passenger Rail Security Grant Program: Authorized by the 9/11 Act, this program provides dedicated funding to Amtrak to support operational activities, site hardening, training and other activities that secure Amtrak’s system.

Intercity Bus Security Grant Program: Created by the DHS Appropriations Act of 2005 and authorized by the 9/11 Act, this program supports security efforts of operators of fixed route intercity and charter bus services.

Trucking Security Program: This program enhances highway security through initiatives such as participant identification and recruitment, planning, training, communications and information analysis and distribution. It has not been funded since FY 2009.


Effective management of the surface transportation security grant programs entails a collaborative effort and partnership within DHS, the dynamics of which require continuing outreach, coordination and interface. For the grant programs, FEMA operates the administrative mechanisms needed to implement and manage the grant program. TSA provides subject matter expertise on all matters relating to surface transportation security and other programmatic updates, and assists by coordinating the myriad intelligence information and risk/vulnerability assessments resulting in ranking and rating surface transportation assets nationwide against threats associated with potential terrorist attacks and in defining the parameters for identifying, protecting, deterring, responding to and recovering from such incidents. Together, these two agencies with additional assistance and cooperation of the Federal Transit Administration, for rail and mass transit systems, the Federal Railroad Administration as needed for freight rail operations, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for intercity buses, determine the primary security architecture of the surface transportation security grant programs.