This book is dedicated exclusively to my one and only big
brother, Donald Burnum. A man who after serving 23 years with
The West Wendover Nevada Police Force committed suicide in
the early morning hours of July 2nd , 2015.
My thoughts and prayers along with all of his family will be there
for him in all of his endeavors regardless. Forever, and in all ways.
As for the many people whose lives that have been touched by
him along the way, he will always be remembered by us for that.
That means that this book, “Khufu’s Counterweights!’” is
dedicated by me solely as a memorial to him. Maybe now he will
rest with the knowledge of being ever so loved? Even up until
this very day. We will carry his memories with us forever, and he
will always be missed and never forgotten by us. His friends and
family of whom he so hastily has left behind.
And, for whatever reason he deemed necessary to take his own
life, one that was so dear and precious to all of us, and to so many
others regardless of what their needs may’ve been at that time. I
hope that all of this has the same meaning to us as it does to all of
them, and that whatever pain he may’ve been in is now over
But, I will miss you until the day I see you again Big Brother. But,
until that day comes, please carry on in good faith and in good
hope for the future. Whatever, and however you see fit for it to be.
What-ever it is that God still holds in store for all of us we will
be well. But until then, in good faith and in good time until the
day that I can see you again! “May the Blessings Be?