Khufus Counterweights by Kurt Burnum - HTML preview

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“Khufu’s Counterweights!” in and of itself is a book about the inner construction of the interior rooms built inside The Great Pyramid of Khufu. Thats not to mention that practically all popular suppositions on The Great Pyramid are only formed out of conjecture from people that look at the substructure of the pyramid from the outside in. Which when in all actuality, after youve done the math, and once you’ve considered that the same inner chambers of The Great Pyramid are made into the exact same size and shape that they exist in all the way up into this very day?

The reason why? Because, the interior chambers of The Great Pyramid are in essence, the same size, shape and weight that is directly relate to the size of the beams and rafters that rest above The Kings Burial Chamber. Once you stop and consider that the measurements that are directly related to the facts you will find the reason why the inner chambers of The Great Pyramid were built the way they were in the first place.

Which is now based solely on the facts of the exact specifications and the lifting abilities of the counterweight. I say this because of what the weight is that needs to be lifted according to what lifting abilities at hand is. Namely, they used the weight of about 2.5 tons at any given time to construct the pyramid that you see today!

The same size as the interior/exterior 26-degree construction ramps that stretched from ground level inside The Great Pyramid all the way up to the very top layer of The King’s Burial Chamber. All five relieving chambers and their ceiling were built in a manner that it is directly relating to, and exists there only because of the fact that the same shape and size of the interior chambers’ walls, ceilings, and floors are still located inside The Great Pyramid of Khufu. All of which had to do with just how big they could make the beams and rafters that were going to hold up the five relieving chambers built above King’s Burial Chamber. With enough support to hold up the entire weight of the pyramid above it.

This included not only the beams and rafters put into place over The King’s Burial Chamber, the ones that are in place above The Queens Chamber now, but the ones covering the main entrance on the east side of the pyramid too! This means the 26-degree angle and the 47-meter-long Grand Gallery glide slope, counterweight lift, and lifting abilities that are still located inside The Great Pyramid up to this very day. And when I say,

The inner tower had spanned the length of the pyramid from one side to the other”

I mean down to the foot. The Ancient Egyptians needed to build the interior of the pyramid before the s<