Quartermaster Force Provider Company by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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Acronym/Term                     Definition

AAFES                                  Army and Air Force Exchange Service

AAR                                        after action review

ACofS                                    assistant chief of staff

AEPS                                      Army electronic product support

AFSB                                      Army field support brigade (element of AMC)

AHA                                         ammunition holding area

AHS                                         Army Health System

AISM                                        automated information system manual

AMC                                         Army Material Command

AMP                                         ampere

AO                                           area of operation(s)

APOD                                       air port of debarkation

APS                                           Army prepositioned stocks

AR                                            Army regulation

ARTEP                                     Army training and evaluation plan

ASAT                                       Army systems approach to training

ASH                                         Army space heater

ASCC                                       Army service component command

ASIOE                                       associated support items of equipment

ATM                                          automated teller machine

BDAR                                          battle damage assessment and repair

BDU                                           battle dress uniform

Bn                                               battalion

BSB                                         bridge support battalion

BTU                                          british thermal unit

CARC                                        chemical agent retardant coating

CASCOM                              Combined Arms support Command containerized  batch laundry

CBL                                           containerized  batch laundry

CBRNE                            chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, high-yield explosives

CCA                                             contract construction agent

CD-ROM                                     compact disk - read only memory

CESP                                            civil engineering support plan

CFSC                                            community and family support center

CLS                                              containerized latrine system

COMSEC                                    communications security

CONUS                                         continental United States

COR                                               contracting officer's representative

COSC                                          combat and operational stress control

COSIS                                        care of systems in storage

COSR                                           combat and operational stress reaction

COTS                                            commercial off-the-shelf

CREST                                           contingency real estate support team

CSSB                                            combat sustainment suport battalion

DA                                                 Department of the Army

DCSLOG                                       Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

DDX                                               deployable distribution depot (DLA)

DLA                                               Defense Logistics Agency

DRMO                                            defense reutilization and marketing office

EBS                                                environmental baseline survey

ECAS                                              environmental compliance assessment system

ECO                                                environmental compliance officer

ECU                                                 environmental control unit

EEFI                                               essential elements of friendly information

ETM                                                electronic technical manual

EUM                                                end user manual

FARE                                              forward area refueling equipment

FHP                                                force health protection

FM                                                   field manual

FMTV                                              family of medium tactical vehicles

FOB                                                forward operating base

FORSCOM                                    Force Command

G3, G4                                           Assistant Chief Of Staff, G3 or G4

GFE                                               government-furnished equipment

GPM                                                gallons per minute

HAZCOM                                         hazardous communications

HAZMAT                                           hazardous material

HAZMIN                                            hazardous waste minimization

HET                                                  heavy equipment transporter

HM                                                   hazardous material

HMMWV                                           high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle

HNS                                                   host nation support

HNSA                                                host nation support agreement

HQ                                                  headquarters

HW                                                  hazardous waste

IAW                                                  in accordance with

IETM                                                 interactive electronic technical manual

ISCP                                                 installation spill contingency plan

ISO                                                    international organization for standardization

ISB                                                    intermediate staging base

ISP                                                   interim support package

JP                                                     jet petroleum

JTF                                                    joint task force

 KP                                                      kitchen police

kW                                                     kilowatt (1000 watts)

LOC                                                   lines of communication

LOGCAP                                            Logistics Civil Augmentation Program

METL                                                 mission essential task list

METT-TC                           mission, enemy, troops, time, terrain, civil considerations

MHE                                                material handling equipment

MIS                                                  Management Information System

MMSA                                              material management support activity

MOGAS                                             motor gasoline

MOS                                                  military occupational specialty

MP                                                     mission profile, also military police

MSDS                                               material safety data sheet

MTF                                                 medical treatment facility

MTOE                                             modified table of organization and equipment

MTP                                                   mission training plan

MWR                                                morale, welfare, and recreation

NAVFAC                                           naval facility

NBC                                                  nuclear, biological, chemical

NCO                                                   noncommissioned officer

NEO                                                  noncombatant evacuation operations

NEPA                                              National Environmental Policy Act

NFPA                                              National Fire Protection Association

OCONUS                                          outside continental united states

OMS                                                 operational mode summary

OPLAN                                              operations plan

OPORD                                           operation order

OSHA                                              Occupational Safety and Health Agency

P3I                                                   preplanned product improvement

PBUSE                                             property book unit supply enhanced

PDISE                                              power distribution and illumination system, electrical

PM                                                     project manager

PMCS                                                preventive maintenance checks and services

POC                                                  point of contact

POL                                                  petroleum, oils, and lubricants

PVC                                                   polyvinyl chloride

PWS                                                  performance work statement

QDR                                                   quality deficiency report

QM                                                      Quartermaster

QASAS                                    quality assurance specialist, ammunition surveillance

RC                                                       reserve component

RSOI                                            reception, staging, onward movement, and integration

RPMA                                               real property maintenance activity

ROD                                                   report of discrepancy

ROM                                                 rough order of magnitude

SDR                                                   supply discrepancy report

SEP                                                     sewage ejection pump

SAMS                                                 Standard Army Maintenance System

SOFA                                                   status of forces agreement

SOI                                                       signal operations instructions

SOP                                                      standing operating procedure

SPO                                                      support operations office

SPOD                                                  sea port of debarkation

SSCOM                                               Soldier System Command

SSP                                                      system support package

STAMIS                                                Standard Army Management Information System

SB                                                             sustainment brigade

S-2                                                            staff officer - intelligence

S-3                                                            staff officer - operations and training

T&EO                                                      training and evaluation outline

TSC                                                        theater sustainment command

TAMMS                                                  The Army Maintenance Management System

TEMPER                                                tent, extendable, modular, personnel

TM                                                           technical manual

TOPNS                                                    theater of operations

TOE                                                        table of organization and equipment

TRADOC                                                 Training and Doctrine Command

TRICON                                                   triple container

TQG                                                         tactical quiet generator

TV                                                           television unconventional

UW                                                          warfare

USACE                                                      United States Army Corps of Engineers

USAPA                                                      United States Army Publishing Agency

USAR                                                         United States Army Reserve

USARC                                                      United States Army Reserve Command

VCR                                                           video cassette recorder

WWET/T                                                        waste water evacuation tank/trailer