Signal Support to Theater Operations by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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3SOPS                 3d Space Operation Squadron

4SOPS                 4th Space Operation Squadron

ACERT                 Army Computer Emergency Response Team

ACUS                 Area Common User System

ADCON                 administrative control

AFFOR                 Air Force forces

AFSPACE                 United States Space Command Air Force

A-GNOSC                 Army Global Network Operations and Security Center

AO                 area of operations

AOR                 area of responsibility

APOD                 aerial port of debarkation

APOE                 aerial port of embarkation

ARFOR                 Senior Army Headquarters

ARNG                 Army National Guard

ARSTRAT                 Army Forces Strategic Command

ASA-INSCOM                 Army Signal Activity - United States Army Intelligence and Security Command

ASCC                 Army Service component command

AUTODIN                 Automatic Digital Network

BBN                 base-band node

BCT                 brigade combat team

BDE                 brigade

BFT                 Blue Force Tracking

BLOS                 beyond line of sight

BN                 battalion

C2                 command and control

C2 ConstellationNet                 Command and Control Constellation Network

CA                 civil affairs

CAW                 Certification Authorization Workstation

CBR                 chemical, biological, and radiological

CCDR                 combatant commander

CDR                 commander

C-E                 communications-electronics

CENTCOM                 United States Central Command

CENTRIXS                 Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System

CIO                 Chief Information Officer

CJCS                 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

CJCSI                 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction

CJCSM                 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual

CJTF                 combined joint task force

C-LAN                 coalition local area network

cmd                 command

CMST                 Communications Management Support Team

CND                 computer network defense

CNR                 combat net radio

co                 company

COA                 course of action

COCOM                 combatant command (command authority)

COMCAM                 Combat Camera

COMSEC                 communications security

CONOPS                 concept of operations

CONPLAN                 concept plan

CONUS                 continental United States

COOP                 continuity of operations

COTS                 commercial off-the-shelf

CP                 command post

CPN                 Command Post Node

CS                 content staging

CSCE                 communications systems control element

CSS                 Combat Service Support

CUWTF                 combined unconventional warfare task force

C-WAN                 coalition wide-area network

DA                 Department of the Army

DCS                 Defense Communications System

DHS                 Department of Homeland Security

DIA                 Defense Intelligence Agency

DIN                 defense intelligence notice

DISA                 Defense Information Systems Agency

DISN                 Defense Information Systems Network

DIV                 division

DMS                 defense message system

DMS-A                 defense message system-Army

DNS                 domain name services

DNVT                 digital nonsecure voice terminal

DOD                 Department of Defense

DOIM                 director of information management

DRSN                 Defense Red Switched Network

DSC                 division signal company

DSCS                 Defense Satellite Communications System

DSD                 Deployment Support Division

DSN                 Defense Switched Network

DSVT                 digital subscriber voice terminal

EAC                 echelons above corps

EAM                 emergency action message

EHF                 extremely high frequency

e-mail                 electronic mail

EMS                 electromagnetic spectrum

ESB                  expeditionary signal battalion

ESM                  enterprise systems management

ESP                  expeditionary signal platoon

ESTA                 Enterprise Systems Technology Activity

EW                 electronic warfare

FBCB2-BFT                 Force XXI battle command-brigade and below - Blue Force Tracking

FCC                 functional combatant commander

FM                 field manual

FMI                 field manual interim

FORSCOM                 United States Army Forces Command

FRHN                 fixed regional hub node

G-l                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Personnel

G-2                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence

G-3                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations and Plans

G-4                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Logistics

G-5                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Plans

G-6                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Command and Control (C2) and Information Management

G-8                 Assistant Chief of Staff, Resource Manager

GBS                 Global Broadcast Service

GCC                 geographic combatant commander

GCCS                 Global Command and Control System

GCCS-J                 Global Command and Control System-Joint

GCM                 Global Content Management

GEM                 GIG Enterprise Management

GIG                 Global Information Grid

GISMC                 Global Information Grid Infrastructure Service Management Center

GMF                 ground mobile force

GNC                 Global Network Operations Center

GNCC                 Global Network Operations Control Center

GND                 Global Information Grid Network Defense

GNSC                 Global Network Operations Support Center

GSSC                 global satellite communications support center

HCLOS                 high capacity line-of-sight

HF                 high frequency

HHC                 headquarters and headquarters company

HMDA                 high mobility digital group multiplex assemblage

HMMWV                 high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle

HQ                 headquarters

HQDA                 Headquarters, Department of the Army

IA                 information assurance

IC-IRC                 Intelligence Community - Incident Response Center

IDM                 information dissemination management

IM                 information management

IMCOM                 Installation Management Command

INSCOM                 United States Army Intelligence and Security Command

INTELSAT                 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization

IO                 information operations

IOM-D                 install, operate, maintain and defend