Signal Support to Theater Operations by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.


FM 1-02, Operational Terms and Graphics, 21 September 2004

FM 3-0, Operations, 14 June 2001

FM 3-13, Information Operations: Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, 28 November 2003

FM 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Production, 20 January 2005

FM 6-0, Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces, 11 August 2003

FMI 6-02.60, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) for the Joint Network Node-Network (JNN-N), 5 September 2006

FMI 6-02.70, Army Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations, 5 September 2006

The Army Satellite Communications Architecture Book 2003


CJCSI 6211.02B, Defense Information System Network: Policy, Responsibilities and Processes, 31 July 2003

CJCSI 6250.01B, Satellite Communications, 28 May 2004

CJCSI 6510.06A, Communications Security Releases to Foreign Nations, 18 December 2006

CJCSM 3122.01A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES), Volume I, 29 September 2006

CJCSM 3122.03B, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES), Volume II, 28 February 2006

CJCSM 3150.16A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Reporting Structure

(JOPESREP), 29 September 2000

CJCSM 3320.01B, Joint Operations in the Electromagnetic Battlespace, 25 March 2006

CJCSM 6231.07D, Manual for Employment of Joint Tactical Communications-Joint Network Management and Control, 15 December 2006

CJCSM 6510.01, Defense-in-Depth: Information Assurance (IA) and Computer Network Defense (CND), 14 August 2006

JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 12 April 2001

JP 3-16, Joint Doctrine for Multinational Operations, 05 April 2000

JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, 26 December 2006

JP 6-0, Joint Communications System, 20 March 2006

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director for Strategic Plans and Policy, J-5, Strategy Division, Joint Vision 2020, September 2000


These documents must be available to the intended users of this publication.

DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms


These sources contain relevant supplemental information.

FM 3-07, Stability Operations and Support Operations, 20 February 2003

FM 3-07.31, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Conducting Peace Operations, 26 October 2003

FM 3-31, Joint Force Land Component Commander Handbook (JFLCC), 13 December 2001

FM 3-35.4, Deployment Fort to Port, 19 June 2002

FM 4-01.011, Unit Movement Operations, 31 October 2002

FM 100-7, Decisive Force: The Army in Theater Operations, 31 May 1995

JP 3-0, Joint Operations, 17 September 2006

Department of Defense Transformational Communications Architecture Concept of Operations (CONOPS), 28 February 2003

Joint Concept of Operations for Global Information Grid NetOps, 10 August 2005 NetCentric Joint Functional Concept, April 2005

US Army Chief Information Officer/G-6 White Paper, "Fight the Network," 8 September 2004

US Army Training and Doctrine Command, Task Force Modularity: Army Comprehensive Guide to Modularity, 8 October 2004