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FM 44-18-1


Since Stinger gunners are on the ground,

those flying above 1,200 feet or lower than

the local terrain will influence the distance at

150 feet.

which low-altitude aircraft will unmask; that

is, not be hidden behind a hill or other fea-


ture. Terrain mask should be kept in mind

when selecting a site.

Rain, snow, dust, fog, smoke, heat shim-

mer, and haze tend to reduce visibility and so


tend to reduce the range of visual detection of


The main features of an aircraft that

affect detection range are—


Size. The larger the target, the farther

away it can be detected. Apparent aircraft

Observers are required to detect, recog-

size varies with the type of aircraft and the

nize, and identify small objects at long

aspect from which it is viewed. A jet fighter

ranges. Therefore, they must have good eye-

flying a course directly toward an observer

sight. Their eyes should be rested periodi-

shows a small profile and can get quite close

cally (about every 15 minutes) to prevent

to the observer before it is detected. The same

fatigue and to maintain alertness. Binocu-

aircraft on a crossing course has a much

lars have little value in detection because

larger profile; therefore, it can be detected at a they have narrow fields of view. This in-greater range.

creases the time required to search a given

area of space. Binoculars may help to iden-

Color. The color of an aircraft affects the

tify a target after it has been detected. See

degree that the aircraft contrasts with the

appendix B for use of binoculars.

background. Some jet aircraft have a smoke

trail that can be used as an aid in detection at


long ranges.

Search sectors should be as small as pos-

Speed. Aircraft speed affects visual detec-

sible and still have good coverage to both

tion of aircraft. Detection range decreases as

sides of the expected avenues of target

target speed increases.

approach. When alerted to an approaching

Altitude. Aircraft flying at altitudes of 150

target, the search sector should be reduced

to 1,200 feet (46 to 366 meters) above the

and concentrated in the general direction of

ground are detected at longer ranges than

the expected approach.


An observer’s capability to detect air-

general surveillance. When a warning is

craft increases as the size of the search sector

received, he then narrows his search sector

assigned decreases. Detection is more likely

(for example, 30°) and centers it on the air-

if an observer is assigned responsibility for

craft’s approach azimuth. Decreasing the

searching a narrow sector than if he is respon-

sector size to less than 30° is not advisable

sible for searching the entire area surround-

because the alert warning system azimuth

ing his position. If an alert warnings system is

data may not be accurate. An error of only a

supporting the observer, he maybe assigned

few degrees may cause the observer to miss

a fairly large sector (for example, 90°) for

an aircraft. Often observers, using the hori-














FM 44-18-1

zon as a reference, tend to concentrate their

assigning search sectors, the sector should be

search near the horizon and disregard objects

defined in both horizontal and vertical planes.

high above the horizon. Therefore, when

A simple way to estimate how high above

perpendicular to the ground. Now, when the

the horizon to search is to use the hand.

little finger is touching the horizon, the tip of

Facing the PTL, extend either the left or right

the thumb is approximately 20° above the

arm fully and extend the fingers. The tips of


the thumb and little finger should form a line











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FM 44-18-1

The observer should frequently focus his

The observer should keep his eyes on the

eyes on a distant object, such as a cloud or

aircraft once he sees it. If he has to look away

terrain feature (otherwise, the eyes tend to

from it, he notes the direction of the aircraft

relax and distant objects become blurred).

and moves his eyes away from it when the

aircraft is near some object, such as a cloud or

Search the area near the sun by extend-

a terrain feature, that will guide his eyes back

ing arm and hand as to block out the sun’s

to it.

glare. (Looking into the sun without shield-

Observers may use one of two systematic

ing the eyes will cause them to become blinded

methods of search to look for aircraft in any

for a few seconds. This may prove to be criti-

type of terrain.

cal, because the observer may lose sight of

the target.)

In the first method, the observer searches

the horizon to about 20° (356 roils) above the

The observer should squint his eyes if he

horizon by moving his eyes in short move-

has trouble focusing at long ranges. Squint-

ments across the sky, working his way up

ing compresses the eyeballs, thus changing

and across. He continues the scan pattern to

their focal length and making distant objects

below the horizon to detect aircraft flying

come into focus.







FM 44-18-1

In the second method, the observer

continuing this movement across the terrain.

searches the sky using the horizon as a start-

He scans in the same pattern below the

ing point and prominent terrain features as

horizon to detect aircraft flying nap-of-

points of reference. He moves his eyes in


short movements up the sky, then back down,

Observers with more experience and

ing is received, both team members shift

above average visual efficiency may use

primary search emphasis to the azimuth of

nonsystematic methods of search that work

approach (with frequent all-around scans)

best for themselves such as—

until one member detects the target.

Combination of the two systematic


At times, the Stinger team will be

Search of the horizon in the shape of an

assigned a sector of responsibility by the

oval to about 20° above the horizon.

Stinger section chief or the supported unit

commander. When two or more teams are

General/random search of the horizon.

defending a unit in position behind the line of

When the Stinger team occupies a tacti-

contact, the Stinger team normally concen-

cal position, each team member will take

trates its search for aircraft along these

turns searching for aerial targets. This allows

avenues. At other times, the Stinger team will

one member to search while his partner rests

search for aircraft as specified by local SOP

his eyes and provides ground security. Search

or as required by the situation. This is com-

sectors are arranged to provide all-around

mon when a Stinger team is defending a con-

coverage of the entire area and overlapping

voy. This is also common when it is support-

coverage of the assigned sector of fire on

ing a maneuver unit which is in contact with

likely approach routes. When an alert warn-

or moving to contact with the enemy.







FM 44-18-1


A map reconnaissance of the supported

sonnel should also be constantly alert to the

unit’s direction of movement or area of opera-

possibility of attack by enemy aircraft. Again,

tion will help to pinpoint areas from which

the team chief marks the route of advance

aircraft are most likely to attack the unit.

and monitors the TADDS and the radio for

Mark the far sides of woodlines, ridgelines,

warnings of approaching aircraft.

and significant folds in the terrain out to at

least 3,000 to 5,000 meters. This is where


attack helicopters can lie in wait at the max-

imum range of their antitank guided missiles

Many aircraft have tell-tale signatures

(ATGM). Mark restricting terrain-defiles

which can lead to early detection. Stinger

and narrow valleys—where the unit may be

teams should look for the following:

forced to pinch together, becoming lucrative

Sun reflection from aircraft canopies or

targets for air attack.

cockpit windows.

Blade flash from rotating helicopter blades.


Smoke or vapor trails from jet aircraft and

When accompanying maneuver units in

missile or rockets fired from aircraft.

contact or moving to contact with the enemy,

the Stinger team usually concentrates its

Dust or excessive movement of tree tops

search for aircraft in the general direction of

and bushes in a particular area.

the enemy ground forces and occasionally

Noise from helicopter blades or from jets

searches the entire horizon. Other unit per-

breaking the sound barrier.


Exactly when to interrogate an aircraft

are shown in the illustration below.

depends upon the WCS in effect. The WCSs






FM 44-18-1

Rules of engagement do not prohibit a

the aircraft in the range ring.

unit or air defense weapon from shooting at

As soon as the target is in the range ring,

an aircraft that is attacking it—the right of

press the challenge switch. After triggering,

self-defense is never denied. (The engage-

the IFF operation is completely automatic.

ment decision is covered in chapter 5.)

The following shows in words and gra-

Interrogation techniques are as follows:

phics the IFF tone responses.

Aim the weapon at the target and center





FM 44-18-1


Firing a Stinger missile at an aircraft

Attacking friendly elements. Any aircraft

must be IAW specific hostile criteria. (Nor-

actively attacking the team or supported unit

mally, the responsibility for target identifica-

or installation may be identified as hostile.

tion rests with the team chief.) The identifica-

The right of self-defense is never denied.

tion must be completed before the team chief

Responding improperly to IFF interroga-

can issue a command to engage. The gunner

tion. The gunner issues an IFF challenge to

may complete the engagement sequence up to

the target by pressing the IFF CHALLENGE

firing, but he will not fire without having first switch. If the target responds improperly to

received an order to engage from the team

the challenge, the team chief may accept the

chief. When operating as part of a split team

improper response as a first assumption of

or if the team chief becomes a casualty, the

hostility. However, the team chief must then

gunner must assume identification responsi-

successfully apply at least one more hostile

bilities. After an aircraft has been detected, it

criteria based on visual observation of the

must be identified as friendly, hostile, or

aircraft before making a final identification


of the aircraft as hostile.

If the aircraft is declared friendly, it must

Note: If the WCS is WEAPONS FREE, gun-

not be engaged (except in self-defense).

ners will engage aircraft responding improp-

If the aircraft is declared hostile and is

erly to IFF interrogation unless constrained

within range, it must be destroyed (except

by headquarters/command directives/SOPs.

under a condition of WEAPONS HOLD).

Performing any of the following acts over

However, the right to fire in self-defense is

friendly troops or territory without prior

never denied.


If the aircraft is unknown, the engage-

❐ Discharging smoke or spray.

ment decision is based on the WCS, applica-

tion of hostile criteria and techniques of fire.

Discharging parachutists or unloading

troops in excess of normal aircraft crew.


❐ Engaging in mine-laying operations.

Recognition of the aircraft by name or


country of manufacture is a start, but it is

Unauthorized or improper entry into an

by no means conclusive. For example, the

area designated as restricted or prohibited

Mirage III/V is made in France; however, it

could prove dangerous or lead to personnel

is in service in 23 countries in Europe, the

injury and aircraft loss. Care should be exer-

Middle East, Africa, Australia, and South

cised in applying this criterion. This is neces-

America. Other aircraft are similarly spread

sary to avoid engaging a friendly aircraft

throughout the world, including many made

that has been damaged and is retiring to the

in the United States. Target identification as

rear of our lines. Also, it may have inadvert-

hostile must be based on visual inspection of

ently strayed into the restricted area due to a

the target and its assessment against specific

navigational error.

hostile criteria. The exact criteria in use may

vary with the tactical situation, from com-

Aircraft operating at prohibited speeds

mand to command, and in terms of time and

or altitudes, or in prohibited directions, can

space. For example, the TSOP may classify

pose a real problem to an observer. The

as hostile those aircraft that are—

determination of aircraft speed and altitude

4 - 8

FM 44-18-1

by ground observers is difficult. Extreme care

markings are not usually visible at long

should be used in applying this criterion.

ranges, most identifications must be made on

An aircraft bearing the military mark-

recognition of the physical features of the

ings or having the configuration of an air-

aircraft. To eliminate any element of doubt,

craft employed by a known enemy nation

both team members must be capable of rec-

may also pose a real problem to the Stinger

ognizing friendly as well as enemy aircraft.

missile team. In this case, the criteria used by

(For detailed discussion of aircraft recogni-

the Stinger team must be based on visual

tion, refer to FM 44-30.)

inspection of the aircraft. Since aircraft



The Engagement Decision

When the team chief or gunner has made an identification of a target as hostile, or (under certain conditions) as unknown, and all other requirements for engagement are met, the team chief makes the engagement decision.


The mission of the Stinger team is to pro-

full Stinger fielding is accomplished). Stinger

tect the unit which it is supporting from

teams supporting maneuver units provide

attack by aircraft. To be successful in their

such units with an additional means of air

mission, the team members must work to-


gether as a team. In this chapter the actions

and decisions made by the team chief and the


gunner during an engagement sequence are

explained. These actions and decisions must

The Stinger teams are commanded and

be understood by both team members prior to

controlled by the section chief. The section

and during an engagement.

chief controls his teams during field opera-

tions through use of a detailed TSOP. This


method of control is used because the teams

are usually located at long distances from the

The basic combat unit is the Stinger

section chief’s command post. Therefore,

team. The team consists of a team chief and a

direct and personal supervision of each team

gunner. Both team members are trained as

normally is not possible. The link between

gunners and in communications, target detec-

the section chief and his teams is a tactical

tion, and aircraft recognition. During periods

of intense air activity, both may act as gun-

ners to increase the rate of fire. A basic load of CONTENTS

six Stinger weapons (four weapon-rounds


and two missile-rounds) are carried by each

The Stinger Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1

team, initially, during combat operations.

Method of Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2

Resupply will normally be with Redeye (until








FM 44-18-1

radio net. Over this net the section chief

to fire by use of WCS and fire control orders.

maneuvers his team and obtains information

Further details on command and control are

on their status and location. He also modifies

found in FM 44-18. The fire control orders used

their state of readiness by changing the air

by team chiefs are shown in the illustration.

defense warning and controls their freedom


The Stinger team chief is responsible for

selecting the method of engagement to be

the decision to engage. He must make the

used and selecting the specific target to be

decision based on rules of engagement con-


tained in the unit TSOP and with criteria

In the event that the gunner is alone, he

given to him by the section chief. In addition

to identifying the target, he is responsible for

engages the most threatening target first.


The method used to engage aircraft

flying the same course, at the same speed,

depends upon their number. A multiple

less than 1,000 meters apart. All other raids

target raid is a raid by two or more aircraft

are single target raids.
