Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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KS101  KISSES 101


1. tip of her tongue slipped between lips into his mouth

2. was moved to plant a kiss on his cheek 




1. lips were like velvet as his tongue explored

2. the gentle massage sent currents of desire through her

3. lips brush her nipples

4. first kissed the tip of her nose, then her eyes, and, finally, he satisfyingly kissed her soft mouth

5. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

6. rained little soft kisses on

7. lips were pressed to her own

8. tongue traced the soft fullness of lips

9. kiss was slow, thoughtful

10. lips pressed against hers, then gently covered her mouth

11. kiss was surprisingly gentle

12. kiss was easy, practiced

13. standing on tiptoe,  touched lips to his

14. lips were pressed to her own

15. lips were warm and sweet on hers

16. lips slowly descended to meet hers

17. lips feather-touched her with tantalizing persuasion

18. lips were surprisingly soft and sensitive as they rested on her own

19. lips touched hers, featherlike

20. with a soft sigh, he settled his mouth on hers

21. mouth moved over hers with exquisite tenderness

22. kissed her gently on the forehead

23. lips kissed her eyelids gently

24. could feel her heart beginning to beat faster as his mouth moved gently against hers

25. took lips in a soft, moist kiss

26. showered kisses around lips and along her jaw

27. pressed lips to his, caressing her mouth more than kissing it

28. paused to kiss her, whispering his love for each part of her body

29. mind relived the velvet warmth of his kiss

30. lips met hers in a gentle drugging kiss

31. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

32. lips were warm and sweet on hers

33. mouth moved over hers with exquisite tenderness

34. kiss was as tender and light as a summer breeze

35. lips brush hers, a tantalizing invitation for more

36. lips brush her nipples

37. lips came coaxingly down on hers

38. it was a light kiss but a tender, lingering one

39. it was a light, questing kiss

40. nudging his tongue against lips

41. felt lips touch her like a whisper

42. felt lips brush her brow

43. there was the whisper-light contact of their lips

44. dropped a kiss on the tangled hair




1. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

2. seized her mouth, forcing his tongue between her teeth

3. suffered the cruel ravishment of his mouth

4. lips were hard and searching

5. kiss was punishing and angry

6. then slowly the pressure of lips increased

7. succumbed to the forceful domination of lips

8. tongue stabbed at lips

9. lips were hard and searching

10. forced lips open with his thrusting tongue

11. suffered the cruel ravishment of his mouth

12. mouth claimed hers in savage conquest

13. crushing her to him, he pressed his mouth to hers

14. smothered lips with demanding mastery

15. used his teeth to force her mouth open

16. took her mouth with savage intensity

17. kiss was as challenging as it was rewarding

18. tongue ravaged the sweetness of her mouth

19. tongue stabbed at lips

20. kiss was overpowering and passionless

21. rough, aggressive kiss held her captive

22. lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time

23. mouth did not become softer as kissed her

24. moving his tongue over hers with rough thrusts

25. was forced to endure his punishing kiss

26. the memory of the bruising kiss came back

27. their lips met and  felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony

28. there was passion in his kiss, but also anger

29. mouth ground into hers and  opened lips helplessly beneath his probing tongue




1. a perfunctory kiss that stung more than a slap would have

2. when he tried to kiss her, he got a cheek and a slow move back




1. with a lazy, sensuous movement, his tongue entered her mouth

2. painting the roof of her mouth with his tongue

3. hot tongue caressed the inner walls of her mouth

4. tongue moved into her mouth with urgent passion

5. tongue explored the recess of her mouth

6. tongue moved inside her with strong, impelling strokes

7. moving his tongue over hers with rough thrusts

8. tongue ravaged the sweetness of her mouth

9. tip of her tongue slipped between lips into his mouth

10. tongue explored the recesses of her mouth

11. mouth covered hers hungrily

12. moist, firm mouth demanded a response

13. pressed her open lips to his

14. parting lips,  let him possess her mouth

15. lips parted hers in a soul-reaching massage

16. mouth was smothered by his warm lips

17. forced lips open with his thrusting tongue

18. felt a wild surge of pleasure as his mouth opened over hers

19. kiss left her mouth burning with fire

20. mouth throbbed with a passionate message

21. familiarizing himself with the dark velvet recesses of her mouth

22. lying on top of her, his tongue probed between lips

23. a deep, achingly sweet exploration of her mouth

24. familiarizing himself with the dark recesses of her mouth

25. lifted lips until they hovered just above hers

26. lips found their way instinctively to his

27. mouth was smothered by his warm lips

28. demanding lips caressed hers

29. lips seized hers in a deep emotional commitment

30. mouth swooped down to capture hers

31. thrusting tongue pushed her toward new sensations

32. lips came coaxingly down on hers

33. tongue swept inside to caress the walls of her mouth

34. mouth moved over hers with exquisite tenderness

35. lips were surprisingly soft and sensitive as they rested on her own

36. lips slowly descended to meet hers

37. tongue met the smooth wetness of her teeth

38. mouth massaged hers with provocative insistence

39. head lowered, his mouth met hers

40. mouth moved over hers in a sensuous exploration

41. parting lips,  raised herself to meet his kiss

42. their tongues sought each other's out

43. their tongues danced together in a silent melody

44. there was a whisper-light contact of their lips




1. reached across to kiss her cheek

2. pulled her down to plant a smacking kiss on her cheek

3. dutifully  dropped a light kiss on his cheek

4. trailed a path along the side of her cheek with his tongue

5. planted taunting little kisses along her cheek

6. embraced him and kissed his cheek, her arms solid and strong around him

7. when he tried to kiss her, he got a cheek and a slow move back

8. reached forward tentatively and kissed her cheek




1. tongue tantalized the buds which had swollen to their fullest

2. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

3. tongue caressed her sensitive swollen nipples

4. lips brush her nipples

5. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

6. lips drew her nipple taut

7. tongue explored the rosy peaks of her breasts

8. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

9. kissed her taut nipples, rousing a melting sweetness within her

10. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

11. tongue explored the rosy peaks of her breasts

12. tongue caressed her sensitive swollen nipples

13. tongue tantalized the buds which had swollen to their fullest

14. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

15. tongue explored the rosy peaks of her breasts

16. lips brush her nipples

17. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

18. lips drew her nipple taut

19. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

20. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

21. lips brush her nipples

22. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

23. tore her shirt open and dropped his head to nuzzle her breasts




1. raised her hand to lips and pressed a lingering kiss upon her fingers

2. raised her fingers to lips for one lingering kiss

3. raised her hand gently to lips

4. held out his hand suddenly and, taking hers, raised it to lips

5. pressed a kiss in her palm before replying

6. kissed his bunched up fingers

7. kissed his fingers

8. stepping close to her to kiss her hand

9. took her hand and raised it almost to lips




1. dropped his head to nuzzle her throat

2. face nuzzled into her neck

3. felt the heady sensation of lips against her neck

4. kiss seared a path down her neck, her shoulders

5. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

6. felt the heady sensation of lips against her neck

7. kissing her neck and shoulders

8. kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat

9. mouth wandered up the tingling cord of her neck

10. between each word he planted kisses on her shoulders, neck, and face

11. burying her face in his neck,  breathed a kiss there

12. planted a tantalizing kiss in the hollow of her neck

13. kissed her in the moist hollow of her throat

14. lips seared a path down her neck, her shoulders

15. dropped his head to nuzzle her throat





1. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

2. kiss seared a path down her neck, her shoulders

3. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

4. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

5. tongue made a path down her ribs to her stomach

6. lips traced a sensuous path to ecstasy

7. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

8. lips left hers to nibble on her earlobe

9. brush a gentle kiss across her forehead

10. kissed her gently on the forehead

11. dropped a kiss on the tangled hair

12. between each word he planted kisses on her shoulders, neck, and face

13. caressing her body with his tongue

14. first kissed the tip of her nose, then her eyes, and, finally, he satisfyingly kissed her soft mouth

15. kissed the tip of her nose

16. showered kisses around lips and along her jaw

17. kissed the top of her head

18. lips flickered over his skin with hot desire

19. thoughts fragmented as his hands and lips continued their hungry search of her

20. mouth grazed her earlobe

21. lips continued to explore her soft ivory flesh

22. felt lips brush her brow




1. kissed her taut nipples, rousing a melting sweetness within her

2. they shared a wild, hungry kiss

3. planted taunting little kisses along her cheek

4. tongue ravaged the sweetness of her mouth

5. kissed him with a hunger that belied her outward calm

6. tongue explored the recesses of her mouth

7. mouth covered hers hungrily

8. calm was shattered with the hunger of his kisses

9. moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness

10. felt lips meet his at last with a shock of recognition

11. lips drew her nipple taut

12. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

13. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

14. lips brush her nipples

15. lips traced a sensuous path to ecstasy

16. lips flickered over his skin with hot desire

17. the touch of lips on hers sent a shockwave through her entire body

18. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

19. tongue traced the soft fullness of lips

20. lips were like velvet as his tongue explored

21. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

22. lips parted hers in a soul-reaching massage

23. he forced lips open with his thrusting tongue

24. painting the roof of her mouth with his tongue

25. raised her mouth to his for a long passionate kiss

26. a series of slow, shivery kisses

27. a deep, achingly sweet exploration of her mouth

28. an ache was sparked by that one indelible kiss

29. caressing her body with his tongue

30. even in remembrance,  felt the intimacy of his kiss

31. kissed her taut nipples, rousing a melting sweetness within her

32. kissed with a punishing sweetness

33. kissed her devouringly

34. thoughts fragmented as his hands and lips continued

35. their hungry search of her body

36. lips flickered over his skin with hot desire

37. lips burned in the aftermath of his fiery possession

38. lips traced a sensuous path to ecstasy

39. mouth was warm and demanding

40. tongue moved inside her with strong, impelling strokes

41. lips met hers in a gentle drugging kiss

42. mouth moved over hers with exquisite tenderness

43. lips brush her nipples

44. his kiss was white-hot

45. tongue moved into her mouth with urgent passion

46. tongue explored the rosy peaks of her breasts

47. thrusting tongue pushed her toward new sensations

48. tongue made a path down her ribs to her stomach

49. lips seized hers in a deep emotional commitment

50. mouth moved over hers in a sensuous exploration

51. lips feather-touched her with tantalizing persuasion

52. kiss was urgent and exploratory

53. tongue tantalized the buds which had swollen to their fullest

54. tongue caressed her sensitive swollen nipples

55. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

56. it was a kiss for her tired soul to melt into

57. it was divine ecstasy when kissed her

58. languidly, his tongue entwined with hers

59. near-kisses wouldn't cause her to swoon

60. nothing could have prepared her for the explosion of his kiss

61. parting lips,  let him possess her mouth

62. felt the breathless wonder of that first kiss

63. was shocked at her own eager response to the touch of lips

64. felt her knees weaken as his mouth descended

65. kissed him, lingering, savoring every moment

66. drank in the sweetness of his kiss

67. quivered at the sweet tenderness of his kiss

68. had a burning desire, an aching need, for another kiss

69. loved the wildly masculine sensation of his kiss

70. returned his kiss with reckless abandon

71. melted under his slow, drugging kisses

72. the sweet throbbing of lips made her shift closer to him

73. the gentle massage sent currents of desire through her

74. the kiss left her weak and confused

75. the magic of his mouth and fingers overrode her inhibitions

76. the kiss was like the soldering heat that joins metals

77. the touch of lips was a delicious sensation

78. their lips met and  felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony

79. there was a dreamy intimacy to their kiss

80. they shared a kiss full of passion and need

81. while he explored her mouth,  tasted him with a new hunger

82. with a lazy, sensuous movement, his tongue entered her mouth

83. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts




1. brush a gentle kiss across her forehead

2. kissed her gently on the forehead

3. reaching up to kiss him

4. reached up to kiss him on the cheek, then  hesitated

5. felt a rush of warm emotion as they kissed




1. kiss was urgent and exploratory

2. kissed him with a hunger that belied her outward calm

3. clasping her lips to his

4. submitted coolly to her mother's ecstatic kiss

5. parting lips  raised herself to meet his kiss

6. lips seized hers in a deep emotional commitment

7. parting lips,  let him posses her mouth

8. clung to him, wanting the kiss to go on

9. they shared a wild, hungry kiss

10. when he bent his head,  met lips halfway

11. seeking her mouth with his own  




1. dutifully  dropped a light kiss on his cheek

2. kiss was overpowering and passionless

3. kiss was slow, thoughtful

4. kiss was easy, practiced




1. kiss was urgent and exploratory

2. mouth was warm and demanding

3. lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time

4. drew his face to hers in a renewed embrace

5. reclaiming lips, he crushed her to him

6. mouth covered hers hungrily

7. moist, firm mouth demanded a response

8. calm was shattered with the hunger of his kisses

9. moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness

10. lips reached for hers, cutting off her protest

11. succumbed to the forceful domination of lips

12. lips were hard and searching

13. lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time

14. demanding lips caressed hers

15. smothered lips with demanding mastery

16. forced lips open with his thrusting tongue

17. insisted that  answer his kiss

18. tongue demanded a full surrender

19. kissed her fiercely

20. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

21. mouth massaged hers with provocative insistence

22. slowly the pressure of lips increased

23. greedily he seized her mouth with his own

24. mouth ground into hers and  opened lips helplessly beneath his probing tongue




1. plant slobbering kisses




1. paused to kiss her, whispering his love for each part of her body

2. last words were smothered on lips

3. lips brush against hers as he spoke

4. lips reached for hers, cutting off her protest

5. murmured, lips against his

6. voice was honeysweet against lips

7. silencing her feeble protest with another kiss




1. kissed him with a hunger that belied her outward calm

2. calm was shattered with the hunger of his kisses

3. reached up for a final kiss

4. raising lips to find his