Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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1. gasping for breath and shivering violently

2. when the air hit her burning lungs, her heart stuttered

3. gasped as bare chest met bare chest

4. drew in a quick painful breath

5. dragging in the air in ragged, painful gasps

6. gasped, panting in terror

7. took a quick breath of utter astonishment

8. was barely able to control her gasp of surprise

9. heard his quick intake of breath

10. felt him shudder as he drew in a sharp breath

11. he drew in a hissing breath

12. took a deep breath punctuated with several even gasps

13. breathed in shallow, quick gasps

14. took a quick sharp breath

15. retching for breath

16. quickened breathing

17. panting from exertion

18. panting up at him

19. her breath caught in her throat as  felt her heart pounding

20. her breath burned in her throat

21. her breath caught in her throat

22. he sucked air between his teeth

23. he had to slide lips to one side to get a breath

24. he panted

25. felt herself suffocating

26. drew in air as if  were drowning

27. catching her breath

28. breath torn out of

29. breath sobbed

30. a soft gasp escaped her

31. a gasp of horror went around the room

32. gasped indignantly

33. gave a short gasp

34. felt the breath catch in her throat

35. breathing in tight, angry gasps

36. her throat had constricted so tightly  could barely breathe

37. struggled for breath through a swollen half-closed throat

38. the pitiless fingers tightened around her throat as  fought for breath

39. caught her breath

40. gasped desperately

41. her breath came in quick shallow gasps

42. was breathing in tight, almost imperceptible gasps

43. caught her breath at the sight

44. gasped with pleasure

45. he brought up against it  with force enough to drive breath out of his body in a gasping grunt

46. gasped in delight

47. gasped in sweet agony

48. inhaled sharply at the contact

49. stood breathing with rib-stretching gasps

50. uttered an indrawn gasp

51. her breath caught in a spasm of fear

52. drew her breath in sharply




1. was able to draw only small breaths, as if her lungs had shriveled

2. was breathing in tight, almost imperceptible gasps

3. her breath came in quick shallow gasps

4. softly his breath fanned her face

5. breathed lightly between parted lips

6. breathed in shallow, quick gasps

7. panting from exertion

8. panting up at him

9. his lungs inhaled in long priapic pants

10. her breath was shallow, her senses drugged

11. breathing in a soft light flutter

12. hardly daring to breath




1. was breathing heavily, trying to control the panic that was threatening to overtake her

2. their eyes locked as their breathing came in unison

3. felt the movement of his breathing

4. his broad shoulders were heaving as he breathed

5. his  breathing torturing him

6. he exhaled with agitation

7. he was breathing heavily




1. drew as deep a breath as  could manage

2. taking a deep breath, he steadied himself with an effort

3. he found himself breathing very deeply

4. her breath came in long, surrendering moans

5. sucked air into his lungs

6. took deep breaths until  was strong enough to raise her head

7. drew a long breath

8. took a deep breath punctuated with several even gasps

9. lungs filled slowly

10. inhaled deeply

11. her breasts rose and fell under her labored breathing

12. he let out a long, audible breath

13. he took a deep breath

14. he drew a long breath

15. he dragged deeply

16. exhaled from the bottom of his lungs

17. drew a breath

18. drew in air as if  were drowning

19. tried to steady her breathing

20. breathed, summoning the last vestiges of her strength

21. took a deep breath, trying to steady the shakiness in her voice

22. took a deep steadying breath

23. he took a deep breath of the warm fragrant air

24. he took a deep, shaky breath

25. took a deep painful breath

26. he made himself take a deep breath

27. he took a deep breath, steadying himself with an effort

28. taking a deep breath,  forced herself to laugh

29. breathed deeply and exultantly

30. drew a deep painful breath of air into her lungs

31. cupped his mouth with his hand and sucked in his breath

32. he let out a long exhalation of relief

33. breathed in deep soul-drenching drafts

34. took a somewhat beery breath of fresh air

35. took a deep breath, trying to calm herself

36. breathing in the air heady with honeysuckle and roses

37. took a deep breath,  determined not to be put out

38. he took a deep breath, trying to steady his anger




1. felt the movement of his breathing

2. rise and fall of her breathing

3. her breathing began to settle down to a more even beat




1. panting after her climb up the stairs

2. her breath came in quick shallow gasps

3. gasped, panting in terror

4. heard his quick intake of breath

5. breathed in shallow, quick gasps

6. took a quick sharp breath

7. panting from exertion

8. panting up at him

9. his lungs inhaled in long priapic pants

10. he panted

11. breathing in a soft light flutter

12. tried to steady her breathing

13. drew a quick breath

14. her breath quickened

15. panting from exertion

16. took a quick breath of utter astonishment




1. the second breath was harder to draw than the first

2. her breasts rose and fell under her labored breathing

3. lay panting, her chest heaving

4. chest heaving

5. his broad shoulders were heaving as he breathed

6. her breath burned in her throat

7. struggled for breath through a swollen half-closed throat

8. stood breathing with rib-stretching gasps

9. the harsh uneven rhythm of her breathing

10. gasped, panting in terror

11. could feel his uneven breathing on her cheek, as he held her close

12. took a deep breath punctuated with several even gasps

13. hot band imprisoning his laboring lungs

14. his lungs inhaled in long priapic pants

15. his broad shoulders were heaving as he breathed

16. his breathing torturing him

17. her breath came raggedly in impotent anger

18. her breasts rose and fell under her labored breathing

19. her breath burned in her throat

20. he had to slide lips to one side to get a breath

21. he panted

22. felt herself suffocating

23. drew in air as if  were drowning

24. catching her breath

25. breath sobbed

26. a suffocating sensation tightened her throat

27. breathed, summoning the last vestiges of her strength

28. the pitiless fingers tightened around her throat as  fought for breath

29. dragging in the air in ragged, painful gasps

30. her breath came in long, surrendering moans

31. panted his way through the door

32. stood breathing with rib-stretching gasps




1. was able to draw only small breaths, as if her lungs had shriveled

2. drew a deep painful breath of air into her lungs

3. lungs filled slowly

4. hot band imprisoning his laboring lungs

5. his lungs inhaled in long priapic pants

6. exhaled from the bottom of his lungs




1. dropped her chin on his chest with a sigh of pleasure

2. with a soft sigh, he settled his mouth on hers

3. rested her head on his shoulder and sighed unevenly

4. gave an exasperated sigh

5. sighed regretfully

6. breathing a silent prayer of gratitude

7. he exhaled a long sigh of contentment

8. he sighed with exasperation

9. he sighed heavily

10. he straightened, sighing loudly

11. flopped onto the bed with a grateful sigh

12. heaved an affronted sigh

13. sighed, weary of the argument

14. sighed in pleasant exhaustion

15. suppressing a sigh

16. throwing up his hands, he sighed

17. with a long, exhausted sigh, he stood up

18. with a sigh louder than the surf

19. went on with a heavy sigh

20. there was an exaggerated sigh on the other end of the line

21. a quiet sigh of satisfaction




1. he sucked and swallowed greedily

2. cupped his mouth with his hand and sucked in his breath

3. sucked in his breath

4. he sucked air between his teeth

5. he had to slide lips to one side to get a breath

6. he dragged deeply

7. catching her breath

8. sucked her mouth into a rosette

9. sucked in her breath

10. drew in her breath

11. he dragged deeply

12. he sucked avidly and liquid filled his mouth

13. he sucked air between his teeth

14. sucked air into his lungs

15. sucked and swallowed greedily

16. could hear the intake of breath between each scream




1. he exhaled with agitation

2. exhaled from the bottom of his lungs

3. blew a puff of prayer fluff   




1. locking the breath in her lungs

2. a diagonal line of pain cut across her chest, making it impossible to inhale

3. would have screamed if  could have drawn breath

4. her breath caught in her throat

5. swallowed, nervously holding her breath

6. her breath caught in a spasm of fear

7. caught her breath at the sight

8. the pitiless fingers tightened around her throat as she fought for breath

9. her throat had constricted so tightly  could barely breathe

10. the breath knocked out of his body

11. sucked air into his lungs

12. felt as if her breath was cut off

13. felt as if a hand had closed around her throat

14. was breathless with rage

15. her breath caught in her lungs

16. her breath seemed to have solidified in her throat

17. her breath caught in her throat

18. he held his breath

19. he seemed to have stopped breathing

20. felt herself suffocating

21. a suffocating sensation tightened her throat

22. felt herself suffocating

23. swallowed, nervously holding her breath

24. felt the breath catch in her throat

25. not daring to breathe

26. caught her breath with excitement

27. holding her breath




1. his breath was warm and moist against her face

2. his breath was hot against her ear

3. his breath was warm and moist against her face, and her heart raced

4. took a deep breath, trying to steady the shakiness in her voice

5. took a deep steadying breath

6. felt the breath catch in her throat

7. swore under her breath




1. her breath was fearsome




1. her exhaled breath seemed just as cold as every inhalation

2. felt the hot exhalation of his breath between his slightly parted lips

3. shattered the silence with an explosive exhalation

4. her breath burst from her

5. he let out a deep breath

6. at last he let out a deep breath

7. he let out a long exhalation of relief

8. he brought up against it with force enough to drive breath out of his body in a gasping grunt

9. the breath knocked out of his body

10. softly his breath fanned her face

11. he let out a long, audible breath

12. he exhaled with agitation

13. breath torn out of




1. he took a deep breath, controlling himself with an effort

2. he took a deep breath, trying to steady his anger

3. took a deep breath,  determined not to be put out

4. took a deep breath, trying to calm herself

5. he took a deep breath, steadying himself with an effort

6. took a deep steadying breath

7. caught her breath

8. trying to slow his breathing

9. tried to control his breathing

10. took deep breaths until she was strong enough to raise her head

11. drew a deep breath and forbade herself to tremble

12. took the moment to catch her breath

13. took a deep breath and tried to relax

14. her breathing began to settle down to a more even beat

15. tried to steady her breathing




her breath quickened

quickened breathing




1. trying to slow his breathing

2. took deep breaths until  was strong enough to raise her head

3. took the moment to catch her breath

4. her breathing began to settle down to a more even beat




1. the pitiless fingers tightened around her throat as  fought for breath

2. struggled for breath through a swollen half-closed throat

3. her throat had constricted so tightly  could barely breathe

4. felt as if her breath was cut off

5. felt as if a hand had closed around her throat

6. her breath seemed to have solidified in her throat

7. a suffocating sensation tightened her throat




1. felt the hot exhalation of his breath between his slightly parted lips

2. his breath was warm and moist against her face, and her heart raced

3. softly his breath fanned her face

4. his breath was warm and moist against her face

5. his breath was hot against her ear




1. was able to draw only small breaths, as if her lungs had shriveled

2. a diagonal line of pain cut across her chest, making it impossible to inhale

3. struggled for breath through a swollen half-closed throat

4. her throat had constricted so tightly  could barely breathe

5. caught her breath

6. the pitiless fingers tightened around her throat as  fought for breath

7. struggled for breath through a swollen half-closed throat




1. drew as deep a breath as  could manage

2. the image was so horrifying that it was like a blow, knocking breath back into her

3. took a somewhat beery breath of fresh air

4. drew her breath in sharply

5. uttered an indrawn gasp

6. inhaled sharply at the contact

7. took in her breath

8. drew a deep breath and forbade herself to tremble

9. heard his quick intake of breath

10. drew a long breath

11. he drew in a hissing breath




1. swore under her breath

2. breathing a silent prayer of gratitude

3. through the roaring din,  breathed one word




snores coming from the slack mouth




their breath coming in clouds of steam




1. the urge to breathe grew overpowering, but  resisted

2. her lungs were beginning to burn with the need for air

3. drew as deep a breath as  could manage