Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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1. her voice sank to a whisper

2. his voice had sunk to a hiss

3. his voice dropped a fraction lower

4. her last words were barely audible

5. he whispered with extreme rapidity

6. whispering close to his head

7. exchanging fierce whispers

8. voice sinking to a whisper

9. pronounced politely, and not much above a whisper

10. whispered confidentially

11. solemn formality of greetings expressed in the low whispers

12. speaking in a whisper, for himself alone

13. hurried, anxious whispers

14. asked in an anxious whisper

15. whispered softly her admiration

16. voice whispered tremulously

17. whispering with feverish insistence

18. whispering in a tone in which one speaks to oneself

19. whispered hurriedly with a troubled concerned face

20. the strange still whisper wandering dreamily in the air

21. hard and still, as a statue might whisper

22. whispered forcibly

23. a consoling whisper

24. subdued whispering

25. his voice dropped almost to a whisper