Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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A note from Sybrina:


Once upon a time I wanted to be a writer more than anything in the world. I could tell stories with the best of them, so I just knew I could write well, too.


Funny thing about writing,'s nothing like telling a story. I bet you've noticed that, too. I'd even go as far as to bet there have been times...plenty of them, when you've been writing along just fine, then suddenly, you hit a brick wall over how to describe the simplest thing. 25 years ago, there wasn't anything much available other than Webster's Dictionary or Roget's Thesaurus and a couple of synonym and antonym books. So, I decided I'd start to put together what I was looking for, myself.


Those were the prehistoric days, before p.c.'s. Each bit of information I gathered was tediously placed behind index tabs in spiral notebooks...lots of notebooks and tons of tabs. It very quickly became a monstrous task. When I got my first computer, with Word Perfect's word "search and replace" features, I felt like I'd finally arrived in the 20th century but the best was yet to come.  Word for Windows made cross-referencing all those phrases to all of their relevant categories a breeze.


Compiling this book has been a labor of love. Along the way, I have discovered my true writing skills lie, not in writing out my stories, but in organizing and categorizing information.  Maybe someday, I'll actually have time to write my own great novel, but for now, I'm content in the knowledge that my work on Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus has made it easier for other writers to get past their own brick walls.  I hope you will enjoy reading the phrases in this tool as much as I have enjoyed compiling them.


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