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13-105. The air operations element plans and coordinates air movement operations, including host nation, common-user, special, and multinational operational moves. The commander Air Force forces is normally delegated operational control of Air Force assets, and, if designated the joint force air component commander, will typically exercise tactical control of air mobility forces made available to the joint force air component commander. If the joint task force requires additional air mobility forces beyond those already made available for tasking, additional augmentation may be requested. The commander Air Force forces may appoint a director of mobility forces to function as coordinating authority for air mobility with all commands and agencies, both internal and external to the joint task force, including the joint air operations center, the 618th tactical air command center, and the joint deployment and distribution operations center and the joint movement center. The director of mobility forces will ensure the effective integration of intertheater and intratheater air mobility operations, and facilitate intratheater air mobility operations on behalf of the commander Air Force forces. The director of mobility forces provides guidance to the air mobility division on air mobility matters, but such guidance must be responsive to the timing and tempo of operations managed by the joint air operations center director. Specific duties of director of mobility forces include the following: 1. Coordinate integration of intertheater air mobility capability provided by United States Transportation Command. 2. Facilitate the tasking and employment of air mobility forces attached or assigned to the joint force commander in conjunction with the air operations center commander. 3. Coordinate with the air operations center director or commander and air mobility division chief to integrate air mobility operations supporting the joint force commander into the air assessment, planning, and execution process, and de-conflict them with other air operations. 4. Coordinate with the 618th tactical air command center and Air Force Transportation Component of United States Transportation Command to ensure the joint force air mobility support requirements are met. 5. Assist in the integration and coordination of the multinational air mobility plan. An air mobility liaison officer is located at division and above and facilitates intratheater airlift requests validated and prioritized by the Army Service component commander. Army units assign ground liaison officers to the joint air operations center or air operations center and theater airlift emergency operations center on occasion to monitor and report on the current airlift situation. They also advise Air Force mission commanders and staffs on Army air movement requirements, priorities, and other matters affecting the airlift situation. Ground liaison officers assigned to the joint air operations center or Army air operations center report through the battlefield coordination detachment. They are also the principal points of contact between the Air Force contingency response groups and Army airfield control groups for controlling Army theater airlift movements. (See JP 3-17 for more information on air mobility operations.)

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13-106. Paragraphs 13-107 through 13-109 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the sea operations element.


13-107. The sea operations element develops policies, programs, and procedures for the movement of personnel, equipment, and material for theater sealift.


13-108. The sea operations element is composed of one marine terminal officer, one mobility warrant officer, one watercraft operations warrant officer, one movement operations noncommissioned officer, and one cargo specialist noncommissioned officer.


13-109. The sea operations element develops policies, programs, and procedures for the movement of personnel, equipment, and material by sealift and watercraft. It conducts planning and coordination for sealift and intratheater watercraft operations. The Army component usually provides common-user land and inland waterway transportation. It also conducts water terminal operations and, when necessary, logistics over-the-shore operations. It prioritizes and allocates sealift assets according to theater priorities.

The element coordinates and integrates sea movement in support of deploying and redeploying forces. It maintains in-transit visibility of materiel by sealift. The element monitors port clearance, berthing, staging, and departure of forces and material from seaports. It maintains data on sealift and terminal capabilities and limitations. It plans, coordinates, and monitors seaports, joint logistics over-the-shore, and other lines of communication operations in coordination with Surface Deployment and Distribution Command. The element coordinates for port security.


13-110. Paragraphs 13-111 through 13-113 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the land operations element.


13-111. The land operations element formulates ground transportation and movement control policy across the AOR.


13-112. The land operations element is composed of one element chief, one operations officer, one motor and rail officer, one circulation control officer, one mobility warrant officer, two operations noncommissioned officers, one highway operations noncommissioned officer, and one staff movement noncommissioned officer.


13-113. The land operations element establishes ground transportation and movement control plans, policies, and programs to manage surface movements. It establishes movement priorities for general, hazardous, joint, interagency, intergovernmental, multinational, and host nation cargo. The element coordinates with outside organizations for the clearance to transport hazardous materials, POL, class V, and other cargo causing transport issues. The element coordinates with the host nation to resolve port clearance, customs, and tax issues. It monitors movement of forces and cargo using rail, highway, or inland waterway assets. The element maintains the common operating picture of the surface transportation network. It provides alternatives when the surface transportation network experiences disruptions or degraded capabilities.


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Theater Army Sustainment Cell


13-114. Paragraphs 13-115 through 13-117 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the G-8 section and headquarters element.


13-115. The theater army G-8 section and headquarters element manages all financial matters for the theater army. The theater army G-8 recommends the best allocation of resources to accomplish theater army missions. Figure 13-4 depicts the theater army 5.4 G-8. (This organization is in accordance with design, not the modified table of organization and equipment or the Table of Distribution and Allowance.) Figure 13-4. Theater army 5.4 G-8


13-116. The G-8 section is composed of a headquarters and two sections, the resource management and comptroller sections. The headquarters section consists of the G-8, the senior financial management noncommissioned officer, and one operations noncommissioned officer.


13-117. The G-8 section and headquarters element develops, coordinates, and synchronizes theater resource management policy, requirements, and support. It manages the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Execution process. It identifies resource requirements and determines sources of funding for administrative control, ASOS, and, when designated, executive agent activities. The G-8 section establishes the managers’ internal control program and establishes cost management and accounting procedures.

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13-118. Paragraphs 13-119 through 13-121 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the resource management section and headquarters element.


13-119. The resource management section and headquarters element plans and coordinates financial management policy and support for operations. It supervises and manages the programs and management elements.


13-120. The resource management section and headquarters element is composed of a headquarters and the management and programs elements. The headquarters consists of the section chief and a senior noncommissioned officer.


13-121. The resource management and headquarters element manages all financial management matters for the theater army. It provides input into the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Execution process for the theater army. The element oversees the managers’ internal control program and coordinates for audits with external agencies. The section coordinates force flow for financial management units. In coordination with the financial management center, it prepares financial management input to estimates, plans, and orders. The section coordinates and synchronizes financial management functions and tasks in support of theater army’s administrative control, ASOS, and when designated, executive agent responsibilities.


13-122. Paragraphs 13-123 through 13-125 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the management element.


13-123. The management element performs management functions for the command and monitors the orders process for resource implications.


13-124. The management element consists of the chief and a management analyst officer.


13-125. The management element administers the managers’ internal control program. It validates cost factors associated with requirements. The element conducts contract support request package reviews and cost analysis. It performs lean six sigma functions. The element coordinates audits with external agencies.

In coordination with the financial management center, it prepares financial management input for estimates, plans, and orders in support of operations.


13-126. Paragraphs 13-127 through 13-129 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the programs element.


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13-127. The programs element is responsible for submission of required fiscal documents. The element is the command fiscal expert and advisor on Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Headquarters, Department of the Army planning and programming documents (for example, Strategic Planning Guidance and the Army Plan).


13-128. The programs element consists of the chief and a comptroller officer.


13-129. The programs element monitors legislative initiatives to assess their impacts and provides input to congressional liaison personnel. It produces extended future year plans and budgets in accordance with national and Department of Defense strategies and policies. It provides fiscal policy guidance for estimates, plans, and orders. It prepares the program objective memorandum and integrated priority list input for the theater army. The element reviews and analyzes change proposals, program budget decisions, program decision memorandum, joint quarterly readiness review, and Joint Requirements Oversight Council for fiscal implications.


13-130. Paragraphs 13-131 through 13-133 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the comptroller section and headquarters element.


13-131. The comptroller section and headquarters element provides accounting policy, advice, assistance, and cost management assessment for the theater army.


13-132. The comptroller section consists of a headquarters and five additional elements: the host nation assistance element; the budget operations element; the financial management, accounting, policy, and systems element; the budget execution and analysis element; and the resource management support element. The headquarters section consists of one section chief and one senior financial management noncommissioned officer.


13-133. The comptroller section and headquarters element manages fiscal policy and guidance for budgeting, receipt, distribution, and execution of funding based on command requirements and priorities.

The comptroller section synchronizes financial management operations between the main command post and the contingency command post. The section supervises and manages financial management systems oversight. It conducts joint fiscal reviews, cost accounting, past year liquidation, and trend analysis. It provides accounting policy, assistance, and cost management assessment during the development of estimates, plans, and orders. The section also prepares budget estimate submissions.


13-134. Paragraphs 13-135 through 13-137 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the host nation assistance element.


13-135. The host nation assistance element supports theater-wide international arrangements and assesses financial impacts.

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13-136. This host nation assistance element consists of a chief and a financial management officer.


13-137. The host nation assistance element provides fiscal support, as required, to support host nation agreements and negotiations. The element assists in coordinating the reimbursement or sharing of costs related to support to host nation agreements. The element prepares host nation support reports as required.

It coordinates and synchronizes agreements and memorandums for interagency and inter-Service support requirements.


13-138. Paragraphs 13-139 through 13-141 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the budget operations element.


13-139. The budget operations element monitors budget execution for current operations to ensure compliance with fiscal law and current policy directives.


13-140. The budget operations element consists of an element chief, three budget officers, and three noncommissioned officers.


13-141. The budget operations element conducts resource distribution via standard accounting systems.

The element coordinates the execution of administrative control and ASOS resource management functions. It monitors the orders process for resource implications. The element reviews and coordinates contingency cost estimates. It provides fiduciary advice, assistance, and technical oversight during current operations. It provides input for resource management systems. It determines best practices and the most efficient fiscal courses of action. The element performs current resource management planning. The element produces resource management input to estimates, plans, and orders for operations.



13-142. Paragraphs 13-143 through 13-145 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the financial management, accounting, policy, and systems element.


13-143. The financial management, accounting, policy, and systems element designs, integrates, and modifies the financial management systems design, integration, and modification.


13-144. The financial management, accounting, policy, and systems element consists of a chief, a program management analyst officer, and two budget and financial management noncommissioned officers.


13-145. The financial management, accounting, policy, and systems element establishes command finance and accounting advice, assistance, and technical oversight. The element manages the operations systems to 13-20

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account for financial obligations and disbursements. The element analyzes system procedures, workflow, and policies to improve accounting operations and budget execution. It identifies and manages available funds for immediate expenses and prior year unexpired appropriations. It accounts for Department of Defense real estate costs, equipment, supplies, civilian personnel, and other assets.


13-146. Paragraphs 13-147 through 13-149 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the budget execution and analysis element.


13-147. The budget execution and analysis element executes the budget and certifies funds in support of theater army operations.


13-148. The budget execution and analysis element consists of a chief and the budget and financial management officers.


13-149. The budget execution and analysis element monitors budget execution and fund certification for compliance with applicable statutes and regulations. The element provides fund control, monitors fund execution, and tracks and reports costs and obligations. It manages purchase requests and commitments. It processes temporary duty claims and manages the Defense Travel System. The element tracks and reports combat operations costs to support the reimbursement process.


13-150. Paragraphs 13-151 through 13-153 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the resource management support element.


13-151. The resource management support element provides support to exercises and theater program managers.


13-152. The resource management support element has one chief and a budget analyst officer.


13-153. The resource management support element monitors the exercise budget’s execution for legal compliance with applicable fiscal laws and policies. It identifies and manages funds available for immediate expenses. It provides cost and economic analysis, forecasting, current year analysis, life support, and other sustainment costing.


13-154. Paragraphs 13-155 through 13-157 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the engineer section and headquarters element.


13-155. The engineer section and headquarters element integrates engineer programs, policy, and plans within the theater army AO. Figure 13-5 on page 13-22 depicts the theater army 5.4 engineer element.

(This organization is in accordance with design, not the modified table of organization and equipment or the Table of Distribution and Allowance.)

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Figure 13-5. Theater army 5.4 engineer element


13-156. The engineer section of the sustainment cell consists of a headquarters and two sections, the facilities and construction and the plans and operations sections. The headquarters consists of the section chief and an engineer sergeant major.


13-157. The engineer section coordinates and synchronizes engineer operations across the AO. Examples of these operations include construction, clearance, mine removal, mobility, geospatial engineering, and counter mobility operations. The section plans real estate and environmental actions. It establishes the engineer policy within the AO.



13-158. Paragraphs 13-159 through 13-161 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the facilities and construction section and headquarters element.


13-159. The facilities and construction section and headquarters element reviews policies and procedures for construction, real estate actions, environmental programs, and deconstruction and retrograde of materiel and equipment from theater.


13-160. The facilities and construction section and headquarters element consists of a headquarters and three elements: the facilities and construction element, the real estate element, and the environmental element. The headquarters element consists of the section chief and the senior operations noncommissioned officer.


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13-161. The facilities and construction section and headquarters element reviews policies and procedures for construction, real estate actions, environmental programs, and deconstruction and retrograde of materiel and equipment from the theater. It coordinates and synchronizes engineer actions in the construction of joint or single Service use facilities and general construction. It manages real estate actions and environmental programs within the AO. The section conducts assessments and plans for natural hazard mitigation for impacts to civilians and military operations. It verifies critical infrastructure, and the presence of industrial hazards and their mitigation. It verifies the availability of construction materials and provides construction method and material recommendations. It recommends priorities of construction and allocation of resources to the various competing organizations throughout the AO.


13-162. Paragraphs 13-163 through 13-165 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the facilities and construction element.


13-163. The facilities and construction element recommends policies and procedures for construction, real estate actions, and environmental programs. It makes policy recommendations on the deconstruction and retrograde of materiel and equipment from the theater.


13-164. The facilities and construction element is composed of an element chief, two facilities and contract construction management engineer officers, and one senior technical engineer noncommissioned officer.


13-165. The facilities and construction element assists in policy implementation and quality checks. It conducts analysis of building methods, assists with project designs, and assesses designs based on natural hazard mitigation on military projects. It assists in verifying critical infrastructure and potential hazards.

The element seeks sources of building materials and evaluates building material suitability for construction.

It recommends construction methods and priorities for the AO. It allocates resources to competing organizations in the AO.


13-166. Paragraphs 13-167 through 13-169 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the real estate element.


13-167. The real estate element conducts comprehensive analysis of existing and additional real estate requirements.


13-168. The real estate element is composed of two real property officers and one engineer real estate officer.


13-169. The real estate element coordinates and synchronizes real estate requirements and operations, including maintenance, for the AO.

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13-170. Paragraphs 13-171 through 13-173 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the environmental element.


13-171. The environmental element conducts comprehensive analysis of existing environmental requirements in the AO.


13-172. The environmental element is composed of an environmental chief and an environmental noncommissioned officer.


13-173. The environmental element coordinates the implementation of best practices for the entire AO. It provides technical support to other sections as required. The element advises the commander on all aspects of the environmental mission to include interface with the medical and supply sections.


13-174. Paragraphs 13-175 through 13-177 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the plans and operations section.


13-175. The plans and operations section coordinates and synchronizes engineer operations in the AO.


13-176. The plans and operations section consists of a section chief, a plans officer, three operations officers, an assistant operations officer, a utility maintenance warrant officer, and an operations noncommissioned officer.


13-177. The plans and operations section coordinates and synchronizes near term operations to include tracking engineer specific operations. The section determines requirements in conjunction with the supported organizations and seeks resources to meet requirements.


13-178. Paragraphs 13-179 through 13-181 discuss the mission, organization, and tasks of the surgeon section and headquarters element.


13-179. The surgeon section and headquarters element plans, coordinates, monitors,