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Chapter 7

Hypothesis testing

Exploring the data from the NSFG, we saw several “apparent effects,” in-

cluding a number of differences between first babies and others. So far we

have taken these effects at face value; in this chapter, finally, we put them to

the test.

The fundamental question we want to address is whether these effects are

real. For example, if we see a difference in the mean pregnancy length for

first babies and others, we want to know whether that difference is real, or

whether it occurred by chance.

That question turns out to be hard to address directly, so we will proceed in

two steps. First we will test whether the effect is significant, then we will

try to interpret the result as an answer to the original question.

In the context of statistics, “significant” has a technical definition that is

different from its use in common language. As defined earlier, an apparent

effect is statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance.

To make this more precise, we have to answer three questions:

1. What do we mean by “chance”?

2. What do we mean by “unlikely”?

3. What do we mean by “effect”?

All three of these questions are harder than they look. Nevertheless, there

is a general structure that people use to test statistical significance:


Chapter 7. Hypothesis testing

Null hypothesis: The null hypothesis is a model of the system based on

the assumption that the apparent effect was actually due to chance.

p-value: The p-value is the probability of the apparent effect under the null hypothesis.

Interpretation: Based on the p-value, we conclude that the effect is either

statistically significant, or not.

This process is called hypothesis testing. The underlying logic is similar to

a proof by contradiction. To prove a mathematical statement, A, you assume

temporarily that A is false. If that assumption leads to a contradiction, you

conclude that A must actually be true.

Similarly, to test a hypothesis like, “This effect is real,” we assume, tem-

porarily, that is is not. That’s the null hypothesis. Based on that assumption,

we compute the probability of the apparent effect. That’s the p-value. If the

p-value is low enough, we conclude that the null hypothesis is unlikely to

be true.


Testing a difference in means

One of the easiest hypotheses to test is an apparent difference in mean be-

tween two groups. In the NSFG data, we saw that the mean pregnancy

length for first babies is slightly longer, and the mean weight at birth is

slightly smaller. Now we will see if those effects are significant.

For these examples, the null hypothesis is that the distributions for the two

groups are the same, and that the apparent difference is due to chance.

To compute p-values, we find the pooled distribution for all live births (first

babies and others), generate random samples that are the same size as the

observed samples, and compute the difference in means under the null hy-


If we generate a large number of samples, we can count how often the dif-

ference in means (due to chance) is as big or bigger than the difference we

actually observed. This fraction is the p-value.

For pregnancy length, we observed n = 4413 first babies and m = 4735 others,

and the difference in mean was δ = 0.078 weeks. To approximate the p-value

of this effect, I pooled the distributions, generated samples with sizes n and

m and computed the difference in mean.

7.1. Testing a difference in means


Resampled differences




CDF(x) 0.4




0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

difference in means (weeks)

Figure 7.1: CDF of difference in mean for resampled data.

This is another example of resampling, because we are drawing a random

sample from a dataset that is, itself, a sample of the general population. I

computed differences for 1000 sample pairs; Figure 7.1 shows their distri-


The mean difference is near 0, as you would expect with samples from the

same distribution. The vertical lines show the cutoffs where x = − δ or x = δ.

Of 1000 sample pairs, there were 166 where the difference in mean (positive

or negative) was as big or bigger than δ, so the p-value is approximately

0.166. In other words, we expect to see an effect as big as δ about 17% of the

time, even if the actual distribution for the two groups is the same.

So the apparent effect is not very likely, but is it unlikely enough? I’ll ad-

dress that in the next section.

Exercise 7.1 In the NSFG dataset, the difference in mean weight for first

births is 2.0 ounces. Compute the p-value of this difference.

Hint: for this kind of resampling it is important to sample with replace-

ment, so you should use r❛♥❞♦♠✳❝❤♦✐❝❡ rather than r❛♥❞♦♠✳s❛♠♣❧❡ (see

Section 3.8).

You can start with the code I used to generate the results in this section,

which you can download from ❤tt♣✿✴✴t❤✐♥❦st❛ts✳❝♦♠✴❤②♣♦t❤❡s✐s✳♣②.


Chapter 7. Hypothesis testing


Choosing a threshold

In hypothesis testing we have to worry about two kinds of errors.

• A Type I error, also called a false positive, is when we accept a hy-

pothesis that is actually false; that is, we consider an effect significant

when it was actually due to chance.

• A Type II error, also called a false negative, is when we reject a hy-

pothesis that is actually true; that is, we attribute an effect to chance

when it was actually real.

The most common approach to hypothesis testing is to choose a threshold1,

α, for the p-value and to accept as significant any effect with a p-value less

than α. A common choice for α is 5%. By this criterion, the apparent difference in pregnancy length for first babies is not significant, but the difference

in weight is.

For this kind of hypothesis testing, we can compute the probability of a false

positive explicitly: it turns out to be α.

To see why, think about the definition of false positive—the chance of ac-

cepting a hypothesis that is false—and the definition of a p-value—the

chance of generating the measured effect if the hypothesis is false.

Putting these together, we can ask: if the hypothesis is false, what is the

chance of generating a measured effect that will be considered significant

with threshold α? The answer is α.

We can decrease the chance of a false positive by decreasing the threshold.

For example, if the threshold is 1%, there is only a 1% chance of a false


But there is a price to pay: decreasing the threshold raises the standard of

evidence, which increases the chance of rejecting a valid hypothesis.

In general there is a tradeoff between Type I and Type II errors. The only

way to decrease both at the same time is to increase the sample size (or, in

some cases, decrease measurement error).

Exercise 7.2 To investigate the effect of sample size on p-value, see what

happens if you discard half of the data from the NSFG. Hint:


r❛♥❞♦♠✳s❛♠♣❧❡. What if you discard three-quarters of the data, and so on?

1Also known as a “Significance criterion.”

7.3. Defining the effect


What is the smallest sample size where the difference in mean birth weight

is still significant with α = 5%? How much larger does the sample size have

to be with α = 1%?

You can start with the code I used to generate the results in this section,

which you can download from ❤tt♣✿✴✴t❤✐♥❦st❛ts✳❝♦♠✴❤②♣♦t❤❡s✐s✳♣②.


Defining the effect

When something unusual happens, people often say something like, “Wow!

What were the chances of that?” This question makes sense because we

have an intuitive sense that some things are more likely than others. But

this intuition doesn’t always hold up to scrutiny.

For example, suppose I toss a coin 10 times, and after each toss I write down

H for heads and T for tails. If the result was a sequence like THHTHTTTHH,

you wouldn’t be too surprised. But if the result was HHHHHHHHHH, you

would say something like, “Wow! What were the chances of that?”

But in this example, the probability of the two sequences is the same: one in

1024. And the same is true for any other sequence. So when we ask, “What

were the chances of that,” we have to be careful about what we mean by


For the NSFG data, I defined the effect as “a difference in mean (positive

or negative) as big or bigger than δ.” By making this choice, I decided to

evaluate the magnitude of the difference, ignoring the sign.

A test like that is called two-sided, because we consider both sides (positive

and negative) in the distribution from Figure 7.1. By using a two-sided test

we are testing the hypothesis that there is a significant difference between

the distributions, without specifying the sign of the difference.

The alternative is to use a one-sided test, which asks whether the mean

for first babies is significantly higher than the mean for others. Because the

hypothesis is more specific, the p-value is lower—in this case it is roughly



Interpreting the result

At the beginning of this chapter I said that the question we want to address

is whether an apparent effect is real. We started by defining the null hypoth-

esis, denoted H0, which is the hypothesis that the effect is not real. Then we


Chapter 7. Hypothesis testing

defined the p-value, which is P(E|H0), where E is an effect as big as or big-

ger than the apparent effect. Then we computed p-values and compared

them to a threshold, α.

That’s a useful step, but it doesn’t answer the original question, which is

whether the effect is real. There are several ways to interpret the result of a

hypothesis test:

Classical: In classical hypothesis testing, if a p-value is less than α, you can say that the effect is statistically significant, but you can’t conclude

that it’s real. This formulation is careful to avoid leaping to conclu-

sions, but it is deeply unsatisfying.

Practical: In practice, people are not so formal. In most science journals, re-

searchers report p-values without apology, and readers interpret them

as evidence that the apparent effect is real. The lower the p-value, the

higher their confidence in this conclusion.

Bayesian: What we really want to know is P(HA|E), where HA is the hy-

pothesis that the effect is real. By Bayes’s theorem

P(E | H


A) P(HA)

A | E) =


where P(HA) is the prior probability of HA before we saw the effect,

P(E|HA) is the probability of seeing E, assuming that the effect is real,

and P(E) is the probability of seeing E under any hypothesis. Since the

effect is either real or it’s not,

P(E) = P(E|HA) P(HA) + P(E|H0) P(H0)

As an example, I’ll compute P(HA|E) for pregnancy lengths in the NSFG.

We have already computed P(E|H0) = 0.166, so all we have to do is compute

P(E|HA) and choose a value for the prior.

To compute P(E|HA), we assume that the effect is real—that is, that the

difference in mean duration, δ, is actually what we observed, 0.078. (This

way of formulating HA is a little bit bogus. I will explain and fix the problem

in the next section.)

By generating 1000 sample pairs, one from each distribution, I estimated

P(E|HA) = 0.494. With the prior P(HA) = 0.5, the posterior probability of

HA is 0.748.

So if the prior probability of HA is 50%, the updated probability, taking into

account the evidence from this dataset, is almost 75%. It makes sense that

7.5. Cross-validation


the posterior is higher, since the data provide some support for the hypoth-

esis. But it might seem surprising that the difference is so large, especially

since we found that the difference in means was not statistically significant.

In fact, the method I used in this section is not quite right, and it tends to

overstate the impact of the evidence. In the next section we will correct this


Exercise 7.3 Using the data from the NSFG, what is the posterior probability

that the distribution of birth weights is different for first babies and others?

You can start with the code I used to generate the results in this section,

which you can download from ❤tt♣✿✴✴t❤✐♥❦st❛ts✳❝♦♠✴❤②♣♦t❤❡s✐s✳♣②.



In the previous example, we used the dataset to formulate the hypothesis

HA, and then we used the same dataset to test it. That’s not a good idea; it

is too easy to generate misleading results.

The problem is that even when the null hypothesis is true, there is likely to

be some difference, δ, between any two groups, just by chance. If we use

the observed value of δ to formulate the hypothesis, P(HA|E) is likely to be

high even when HA is false.

We can address this problem with cross-validation, which uses one dataset

to compute δ and a different dataset to evaluate HA. The first dataset is called the training set; the second is called the testing set.

In a study like the NSFG, which studies a different cohort in each cycle, we

can use one cycle for training and another for testing. Or we can partition

the data into subsets (at random), then use one for training and one for


I implemented the second approach, dividing the Cycle 6 data roughly in

half. I ran the test several times with different random partitions. The aver-

age posterior probability was P(HA|E) = 0.621. As expected, the impact of

the evidence is smaller, partly because of the smaller sample size in the test

set, and also because we are no longer using the same data for training and



Chapter 7. Hypothesis testing


Reporting Bayesian probabilities

In the previous section we chose the prior probability P(HA) = 0.5. If we

have a set of hypotheses and no reason to think one is more likely than

another, it is common to assign each the same probability.

Some people object to Bayesian probabilities because they depend on prior

probabilities, and people might not agree on the right priors. For people

who expect scientific results to be objective and universal, this property is

deeply unsettling.

One response to this objection is that, in practice, strong evidence tends to

swamp the effect of the prior, so people who start with different priors will

converge toward the same posterior probability.

Another option is to report just the likelihood ratio, P(E | HA) / P(E|H0),

rather than the posterior probability. That way readers can plug in whatever

prior they like and compute their own posteriors (no pun intended). The

likelihood ratio is sometimes called a Bayes factor (see ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✐❦✐♣❡❞✐❛✳


Exercise 7.4 If your prior probability for a hypothesis, HA, is 0.3 and new

evidence becomes available that yields a likelihood ratio of 3 relative to the

null hypothesis, H0, what is your posterior probability for HA?

Exercise 7.5 This exercise is adapted from MacKay, Information Theory, Infer-

ence, and Learning Algorithms:

Two people have left traces of their own blood at the scene of

a crime. A suspect, Oliver, is tested and found to have type

O blood. The blood groups of the two traces are found to be

of type O (a common type in the local population, having fre-

quency 60%) and of type AB (a rare type, with frequency 1%).

Do these data (the blood types found at the scene) give evidence

in favor of the proposition that Oliver was one of the two people

whose blood was found at the scene?

Hint: Compute the likelihood ratio for this evidence; if it is greater than 1,

then the evidence is in favor of the proposition. For a solution and discus-

sion, see page 55 of MacKay’s book.

7.7. Chi-square test



Chi-square test

In Section 7.2 we concluded that the apparent difference in mean pregnancy

length for first babies and others was not significant. But in Section 2.10,

when we computed relative risk, we saw that first babies are more likely to

be early, less likely to be on time, and more likely to be late.

So maybe the distributions have the same mean and different variance. We

could test the significance of the difference in variance, but variances are less

robust than means, and hypothesis tests for variance often behave badly.

An alternative is to test a hypothesis that more directly reflects the effect as

it appears; that is, the hypothesis that first babies are more likely to be early,

less likely to be on time, and more likely to be late.

We proceed in five easy steps:

1. We define a set of categories, called cells, that each baby might fall

into. In this example, there are six cells because there are two groups

(first babies and others) and three bins (early, on time or late).

I’ll use the definitions from Section 2.10: a baby is early if it is born

during Week 37 or earlier, on time if it is born during Week 38, 39 or

40, and late if it is born during Week 41 or later.

2. We compute the number of babies we expect in each cell. Under the

null hypothesis, we assume that the distributions are the same for the

two groups, so we can compute the pooled probabilities: P(early),

P(ontime) and P(late).

For first babies, we have n = 4413 samples, so under the null hypoth-

esis we expect n P(early) first babies to be early, n P(ontime) to be

on time, etc. Likewise, we have m = 4735 other babies, so we expect

m P(early) other babies to be early, etc.

3. For each cell we compute the deviation; that is, the difference between

the observed value, Oi, and the expected value, Ei.

4. We compute some measure of the total deviation; this quantity is

called the test statistic. The most common choice is the chi-square



(Oi − Ei)2

χ = ∑





Chapter 7. Hypothesis testing

5. We can use a Monte Carlo simulation to compute the p-value, which is

the probability of seeing a chi-square statistic as high as the observed

value under the null hypothesis.

When the chi-square statistic is used, this process is called a chi-square test.

One feature of the chi-square test is that the distribution of the test statistic

can be computed analytically.

Using the data from the NSFG I computed 2

χ = 91.64, which would occur

by chance about one time in 10,000. I conclude that this result is statisti-

cally significant, with one caution: again we used the same dataset for ex-

ploration and testing. It would be a good idea to confirm this result with

another dataset.

You can download the code I used in this section from ❤tt♣✿✴✴t❤✐♥❦st❛ts✳


Exercise 7.6 Suppose you run a casino and you suspect that a customer has

replaced a die provided by the casino with a “crooked die;” that is, one that

has been tampered with to make one of the faces more likely to come up

than the others. You apprehend the alleged cheater and confiscate the die,

but now you have to prove that it is crooked.

You roll the die 60 times and get the following results:















What is the chi-squared statistic for these values? What is the probability of

seeing a chi-squared value as large by chance?


Efficient resampling

Anyone reading this book who has prior training in statistics probably

laughed when they saw Figure 7.1, because I used a lot of computer power

to simulate something I could have figured out analytically.

Obviously mathematical analysis is not the focus of this book. I am willing

to use computers to do things the “dumb” way, because I think it is eas-

ier for beginners to understand simulations, and easier to demonstrate that

they are correct. So as long as the simulations don’t take too long to run, I

don’t feel guilty for skipping the analysis.

7.8. Efficient resampling


However, there are times when a little analysis can save a lot of computing,

and Figure 7.1 is one of those times.

Remember that we were testing the observed difference in the mean be-

tween pregnancy lengths for n = 4413 first babies and m = 4735 others. We

formed the pooled distribution for all babies, drew samples with sizes n and

m, and computed the difference in sample means.

Instead, we could directly compute the distribution of the difference in sam-

ple means. To get started, let’s think about what a sample mean is: we draw

n samples from a distribution, add them up, and divide by n. If the distri-

bution has mean


µ and variance σ , then by the Central Limit Theorem, we

know that the sum of the samples is N (n


µ, n σ ).

To figure out the distribution of the sample means, we have to invoke one

of the properties of the normal distribution: if X is N (


µ, σ ),

aX + b ∼ N (a


µ + b, a2 σ )

When we divide by n, a = 1/nand b = 0, so

X/n ∼ N (


µ/n, σ / n2)

So the distribution of the sample mean is N (


µ, σ /n).

To get the distribution of the difference between two sample means, we