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Chapter 5


In Chapter 2, I said that a probability is a frequency expressed as a fraction

of the sample size. That’s one definition of probability, but it’s not the only

one. In fact, the meaning of probability is a topic of some controversy.

We’ll start with the uncontroversial parts and work our way up. There is

general agreement that a probability is a real value between 0 and 1 that

is intended to be a quantitative measure corresponding to the qualitative

notion that some things are more likely than others.

The “things” we assign probabilities to are called events. If E represents

an event, then P(E) represents the probability that E will occur. A situation

where E might or might not happen is called a trial.

As an example, suppose you have a standard six-sided die1 and want to

know the probability of rolling a 6. Each roll is a trial. Each time a 6 appears

is considered a success; other trials are considered failures. These terms are used even in scenarios where “success” is bad and “failure” is good.

If we have a finite sample of n trials and we observe s successes, the prob-

ability of success is s/n. If the set of trials is infinite, defining probabilities

is a little trickier, but most people are willing to accept probabilistic claims

about a hypothetical series of identical trials, like tossing a coin or rolling a


We start to run into trouble when we talk about probabilities of unique

events. For example, we might like to know the probability that a candi-

date will win an election. But every election is unique, so there is no series

of identical trials to consider.

1“Die” is the singular of “dice”.


Chapter 5. Probability

In cases like this some people would say that the notion of probability does

not apply. This position is sometimes called frequentism because it defines

probability in terms of frequencies. If there is no set of identical trials, there

is no probability.

Frequentism is philosophically safe, but frustrating because it limits the

scope of probability to physical systems that are either random (like atomic

decay) or so unpredictable that we model them as random (like a tumbling

die). Anything involving people is pretty much off the table.

An alternative is Bayesianism, which defines probability as a degree of be-

lief that an event will occur. By this definition, the notion of probability

can be applied in almost any circumstance. One difficulty with Bayesian

probability is that it depends on a person’s state of knowledge; people with

different information might have different degrees of belief about the same

event. For this reason, many people think that Bayesian probabilities are

more subjective than frequency probabilities.

As an example, what is the probability that Thaksin Shinawatra is the Prime

Minister of Thailand? A frequentist would say that there is no probability

for this event because there is no set of trials. Thaksin either is, or is not, the

PM; it’s not a question of probability.

In contrast, a Bayesian would be willing to assign a probability to this

event based on his or her state of knowledge. For example, if you re-

member that there was a coup in Thailand in 2006, and you are pretty sure

Thaksin was the PM who was ousted, you might assign a probability like

0.1, which acknowledges the possibility that your recollection is incorrect,

or that Thaksin has been reinstated.

If you consult Wikipedia, you will learn that Thaksin is not the PM of Thai-

land (at the time I am writing). Based on this information, you might revise

your probability estimate to 0.01, reflecting the possibility that Wikipedia is



Rules of probability

For frequency probabilities, we can derive rules that relate probabilities of

different events. Probably the best known of these rules is

P(A and B) = P(A) P(B)

Warning: not always true!

where P(A and B) is the probability that events A and B both occur. This

formula is easy to remember; the only problem is that it is not always true.

5.1. Rules of probability


This formula only applies if A and B are independent, which means that if

I know A occurred, that doesn’t change the probability of B, and vice versa.

For example, if A is tossing a coin and getting heads, and B is rolling a die

and getting 1, A and B are independent, because the coin toss doesn’t tell

me anything about the die roll.

But if I roll two dice, and A is getting at least one six, and B is getting two

sixes, A and B are not independent, because if I know that A occurred, the

probability of B is higher, and if I know B occurred, the probability of A is


When A and B are not independent, it is often useful to compute the condi-

tional probability, P(A|B), which is the probability of A given that we know

B occurred:

P(A and B)

P(A|B) =


From that we can derive the general relation

P(A and B) = P(A) P(B|A)

This might not be as easy to remember, but if you translate it into English

it should make sense: “The chance of both things happening is the chance

that the first one happens, and then the second one given the first.”

There is nothing special about the order of events, so we could also write

P(A and B) = P(B) P(A|B)

These relationships hold whether A and B are independent or not. If they

are independent, then P(A|B) = P(A), which gets us back where we started.

Because all probabilities are in the range 0 to 1, it is easy to show that

P(A and B) ≤ P(A)

To picture this, imagine a club that only admits people who satisfy some

requirement, A. Now suppose they add a new requirement for member-

ship, B. It seems obvious that the club will get smaller, or stay the same

if it happens that all the members satisfy B. But there are some scenar-

ios where people are surprisingly bad at this kind of analysis. For exam-

ples and discussion of this phenomenon, see ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✐❦✐♣❡❞✐❛✳♦r❣✴✇✐❦✐✴


Exercise 5.1 If I roll two dice and the total is 8, what is the chance that one

of the dice is a 6?


Chapter 5. Probability

Exercise 5.2 If I roll 100 dice, what is the chance of getting all sixes? What is

the chance of getting no sixes?

Exercise 5.3 The following questions are adapted from Mlodinow, The

Drunkard’s Walk.

1. If a family has two children, what is the chance that they have two


2. If a family has two children and we know that at least one of them is

a girl, what is the chance that they have two girls?

3. If a family has two children and we know that the older one is a girl,

what is the chance that they have two girls?

4. If a family has two children and we know that at least one of them is

a girl named Florida, what is the chance that they have two girls?

You can assume that the probability that any child is a girl is 1/2, and that

the children in a family are independent trials (in more ways than one). You

can also assume that the percentage of girls named Florida is small.


Monty Hall

The Monty Hall problem might be the most contentious question in the

history of probability. The scenario is simple, but the correct answer is so

counter-intuitive that many people just can’t accept it, and many smart peo-

ple have embarrassed themselves not just by getting it wrong but by argu-

ing the wrong side, aggressively, in public.

Monty Hall was the original host of the game show Let’s Make a Deal. The

Monty Hall problem is based on one of the regular games on the show. If

you are on the show, here’s what happens:

• Monty shows you three closed doors and tells you that there is a prize

behind each door: one prize is a car, the other two are less valuable

prizes like peanut butter and fake finger nails. The prizes are arranged

at random.

• The object of the game is to guess which door has the car. If you guess

right, you get to keep the car.

5.2. Monty Hall


• So you pick a door, which we will call Door A. We’ll call the other

doors B and C.

• Before opening the door you chose, Monty likes to increase the sus-

pense by opening either Door B or C, whichever does not have the

car. (If the car is actually behind Door A, Monty can safely open B or

C, so he chooses one at random).

• Then Monty offers you the option to stick with your original choice or

switch to the one remaining unopened door.

The question is, should you “stick” or “switch” or does it make no differ-


Most people have the strong intuition that it makes no difference. There are

two doors left, they reason, so the chance that the car is behind Door A is


But that is wrong. In fact, the chance of winning if you stick with Door A is

only 1/3; if you switch, your chances are 2/3. I will explain why, but I don’t

expect you to believe me.

The key is to realize that there are three possible scenarios: the car is behind

Door A, B or C. Since the prizes are arranged at random, the probability of

each scenario is 1/3.

If your strategy is to stick with Door A, then you will win only in Scenario

A, which has probability 1/3.

If your strategy is to switch, you will win in either Scenario B or Scenario C,

so the total probability of winning is 2/3.

If you are not completely convinced by this argument, you are in good com-

pany. When a friend presented this solution to Paul Erd˝os, he replied, “No,

that is impossible. It should make no difference.2”

No amount of argument could convince him. In the end, it took a computer

simulation to bring him around.

Exercise 5.4 Write a program that simulates the Monty Hall problem and

use it to estimate the probability of winning if you stick and if you switch.

Then read the discussion of the problem at ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✐❦✐♣❡❞✐❛✳♦r❣✴✇✐❦✐✴


2See Hoffman, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, page 83.


Chapter 5. Probability

Which do you find more convincing, the simulation or the arguments, and


Exercise 5.5 To understand the Monty Hall problem, it is important to real-

ize that by deciding which door to open, Monty is giving you information.

To see why this matters, imagine the case where Monty doesn’t know where

the prizes are, so he chooses Door B or C at random.

If he opens the door with the car, the game is over, you lose, and you don’t

get to choose whether to switch or stick.

Otherwise, are you better off switching or sticking?



Henri Poincaré was a French mathematician who taught at the Sorbonne

around 1900. The following anecdote about him is probably fabricated, but

it makes an interesting probability problem.

Supposedly Poincaré suspected that his local bakery was selling loaves of

bread that were lighter than the advertised weight of 1 kg, so every day for

a year he bought a loaf of bread, brought it home and weighed it. At the end

of the year, he plotted the distribution of his measurements and showed that

it fit a normal distribution with mean 950 g and standard deviation 50 g. He

brought this evidence to the bread police, who gave the baker a warning.

For the next year, Poincaré continued the practice of weighing his bread

every day. At the end of the year, he found that the average weight was

1000 g, just as it should be, but again he complained to the bread police,

and this time they fined the baker.

Why? Because the shape of the distribution was asymmetric. Unlike the

normal distribution, it was skewed to the right, which is consistent with

the hypothesis that the baker was still making 950 g loaves, but deliberately

giving Poincaré the heavier ones.

Exercise 5.6 Write a program that simulates a baker who chooses n loaves

from a distribution with mean 950 g and standard deviation 50 g, and gives

the heaviest one to Poincaré. What value of n yields a distribution with

mean 1000 g? What is the standard deviation?

Compare this distribution to a normal distribution with the same mean and

the same standard deviation. Is the difference in the shape of the distribu-

tion big enough to convince the bread police?

5.4. Another rule of probability


Exercise 5.7 If you go to a dance where partners are paired up randomly,

what percentage of opposite sex couples will you see where the woman is

taller than the man?

In the BRFSS (see Section 4.5), the distribution of heights is roughly normal

with parameters


µ = 178 cm and σ = 59.4 cm for men, and µ = 163 cm and


σ = 52.8 cm for women.

As an aside, you might notice that the standard deviation for men is higher

and wonder whether men’s heights are more variable. To compare vari-

ability between groups, it is useful to compute the coefficient of variation,

which is the standard deviation as a fraction of the mean, σ/ µ. By this measure, women’s heights are slightly more variable.


Another rule of probability

If two events are mutually exclusive, that means that only one of them can

happen, so the conditional probabilities are 0:

P(A|B) = P(B|A) = 0

In this case it is easy to compute the probability of either event:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)

Warning: not always true.

But remember that this only applies if the events are mutually exclusive. In

general the probability of A or B or both is:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A and B)

The reason we have to subtract off P(A and B) is that otherwise it gets

counted twice. For example, if I flip two coins, the chance of getting at

least one tails is 1/2 + 1/2 − 1/4. I have to subtract 1/4 because otherwise I

am counting heads-heads twice. The problem becomes even clearer if I toss

three coins.

Exercise 5.8 If I roll two dice, what is the chance of rolling at least one 6?

Exercise 5.9 What is the general formula for the probability of A or B but

not both?


Chapter 5. Probability


Binomial distribution

If I roll 100 dice, the chance of getting all sixes is (1/6)100. And the chance

of getting no sixes is (5/6)100.

Those cases are easy, but more generally, we might like to know the chance

of getting k sixes, for all values of k from 0 to 100. The answer is the bino-

mial distribution, which has this PMF:


PMF(k) =

pk(1 − p)n−k


where n is the number of trials, p is the probability of success, and k is the

number of successes.

The binomial coefficient is pronounced “n choose k”, and it can be com-

puted directly like this:





k!(n − k)!

Or recursively like this


n − 1

n − 1





k − 1

with two base cases: if n = 0 the result is 0; if k = 0 the result is 1. If you

download ❤tt♣✿✴✴t❤✐♥❦st❛ts✳❝♦♠✴t❤✐♥❦st❛ts✳♣② you will see a function

named ❇✐♥♦♠ that computes the binomial coefficient with reasonable effi-


Exercise 5.10 If you flip a coin 100 times, you expect about 50 heads, but

what is the probability of getting exactly 50 heads?


Streaks and hot spots

People do not have very good intuition for random processes. If you ask

people to generate “random” numbers, they tend to generate sequences

that are random-looking, but actually more ordered than real random se-

quences. Conversely, if you show them a real random sequence, they tend

to see patterns where there are none.

An example of the second phenomenon is that many people believe in

“streaks” in sports: a player that has been successful recently is said to have

a “hot hand;” a player that has been unsuccessful is “in a slump.”

5.6. Streaks and hot spots


Statisticians have tested these hypotheses in a number of sports, and the

consistent result is that there is no such thing as a streak3. If you assume that

each attempt is independent of previous attempts, you will see occasional

long strings of successes or failures. These apparent streaks are not suffi-

cient evidence that there is any relationship between successive attempts.

A related phenomenon is the clustering illusion, which is the tendency

to see clusters in spatial patterns that are actually random (see ❤tt♣✿✴✴


To test whether an apparent cluster is likely to be meaningful, we can simu-

late the behavior of a random system to see whether it is likely to produce a

similar cluster. This process is called Monte Carlo simulation because gen-

erating random numbers is reminiscent of casino games (and Monte Carlo

is famous for its casino).

Exercise 5.11 If there are 10 players in a basketball game and each one takes

15 shots during the course of the game, and each shot has a 50% probability

of going in, what is the probability that you will see, in a given game, at

least one player who hits 10 shots in a row? If you watch a season of 82

games, what are the chances you will see at least one streak of 10 hits or


This problem demonstrates some strengths and weaknesses of Monte Carlo

simulation. A strength is that it is often easy and fast to write a simulation,

and no great knowledge of probability is required. A weakness is that es-

timating the probability of rare events can take a long time! A little bit of

analysis can save a lot of computing.

Exercise 5.12 In 1941 Joe DiMaggio got at least one hit in 56 consecutive

games4. Many baseball fans consider this streak the greatest achievement

in any sport in history, because it was so unlikely.

Use a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the probability that any player in

major league baseball will have a hitting streak of 57 or more games in the

next century.

Exercise 5.13 A cancer cluster is defined by the Centers for Disease Control

(CDC) as “greater-than-expected number of cancer cases that occurs within

a group of people in a geographic area over a period of time.5”

3For example, see Gilovich, Vallone and Tversky, “The hot hand in basketball: On the

misperception of random sequences,” 1985.

4See ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✐❦✐♣❡❞✐❛✳♦r❣✴✇✐❦✐✴❍✐tt✐♥❣❴str❡❛❦.

5From ❤tt♣✿✴✴❝❞❝✳❣♦✈✴♥❝❡❤✴❝❧✉st❡rs✴❛❜♦✉t✳❤t♠.


Chapter 5. Probability

Many people interpret a cancer cluster as evidence of an environmental

hazard, but many scientists and statisticians think that investigating can-

cer clusters is a waste of time6. Why? One reason (among several) is that

identifying cancer clusters is a classic case of the Sharpshooter Fallacy (see


Nevertheless, when someone reports a cancer cluster, the CDC is obligated

to investigate. According to their web page:

“Investigators develop a ‘case’ definition, a time period of con-

cern, and the population at risk. They then calculate the ex-

pected number of cases and compare them to the observed num-

ber. A cluster is confirmed when the observed/expected ratio is

greater than 1.0, and the difference is statistically significant.”

1. Suppose that a particular cancer has an incidence of 1 case per thou-

sand people per year. If you follow a particular cohort of 100 peo-

ple for 10 years, you would expect to see about 1 case. If you saw

two cases, that would not be very surprising, but more than than two

would be rare.

Write a program that simulates a large number of cohorts over a 10

year period and estimates the distribution of total cases.

2. An observation is considered statistically significant if its probability

by chance alone, called a p-value, is less than 5%. In a cohort of 100

people over 10 years, how many cases would you have to see to meet

this criterion?

3. Now imagine that you divide a population of 10000 people into 100

cohorts and follow them for 10 years. What is the chance that at least

one of the cohorts will have a “statistically significant” cluster? What

if we require a p-value of 1%?

4. Now imagine that you arrange 10000 people in a 100 ×100 grid and

follow them for 10 years. What is the chance that there will be at least

one 10 ×10 block anywhere in the grid with a statistically significant


5. Finally, imagine that you follow a grid of 10000 people for 30 years.

What is the chance that there will be a 10-year interval at some point

with a 10 ×10 block anywhere in the grid with a statistically significant


6See Gawande, “The Cancer Cluster Myth,” New Yorker, Feb 8, 1997.

5.7. Bayes’s theorem



Bayes’s theorem

Bayes’s theorem is a relationship between the conditional probabilities of

two events. A conditional probability, often written P(A|B) is the proba-

bility that Event Awill occur given that we know that Event Bhas occurred.

Bayes’s theorem states:


P(A|B) =


To see that this is true, it helps to write P(A and B), which is the probability

that A and B occur

P(A and B) = P(A) P(B|A)

But it is also true that

P(A and B) = P(B) P(A|B)


P(B) P(A|B) = P(A) P(B|A)

Dividing through by P(B) yields Bayes’s theorem7.

Bayes’s theorem is often interpreted as a statement about how a body of

evidence, E, affects the probability of a hypothesis, H:


P(H|E) = P(H) P(E)

In words, this equation says that the probability of H after you have seen

E is the product of P(H), which is the probability of H before you saw the

evidence, and the ratio of P(E|H), the probability of seeing the evidence

assuming that H is true, and P(E), the probability of seeing the evidence

under any circumstances (H true or not).

This way of reading Bayes’s theorem is called the “diachronic” interpreta-