Unsurfaced Road Maintenance Management by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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1-1. Purpose

compute the Unsurfaced Road Condition Index

This manual describes an unsurfaced road mainte-

(URCI)-a rating system that measures the surface

nance management system for use on military

integrity and operational condition (chap 3).

installations. This system is available in either a c. M&R determination. The process of establish-manual or computerized mode (Micro PAVER).

ing M&R requirements and priorities based on

The maintenance standards prescribed should pro-

inspection data, URCI, and other relevant informa-

tect Government property with an economical and

tion, such as traffic, loading, and structural compo-effective expenditure of maintenance funds com-

sition (chap 4).

mensurate with the functional requirements and

d. Data management. Data may be handled by the planned future use of the facilities. Because of any one of three methods.

limited maintenance funds, timely and rational

(1) A stand alone manual system that is fully

determinations of maintenance and repair (M&R) described in chapter 5 of this manual.

needs and priorities are very important factors.

(2) A stand alone automated system using

These factors can be determined by using the

Micro PAVER, which is briefly described in chap-

system as described in this manual. The use of the ter 6.

unsurfaced road maintenance management system

(3) A dual automated system using Micro

by personnel who have the responsibility for un-

PAVER for both unsurfaced roads and paved

surfaced road maintenance should ensure uniform,


economical, and satisfactory unsurfaced area main-

e. System description. Micro PAVER is fully tenance and repair. When information in this

described in TM 5-623.

publication varies from that contained in the

1-3. References

latest issue of Federal or military specifications, the specifications shall apply. Reference to Fed-Appendix A contains a list of references used in

eral, Military, or other specifications is to the

this manual.

current issues of these specifications as identified 1-4. Implementation of the unsurfaced road

by their basic number(s). It is intended to be used management system

by all Army elements responsible for maintenance

and repair (M&R) of unsurfaced roads, streets, The level of implementation is a function of the

parking lots, tank trails, and range roads.

installation size, existing road conditions, and

available manpower and money resources. The

1-2. Scope

highest level of implementation would be the

The system presented in this manual consists of

inclusion of all unsurfaced roads on the installa-

the following components.

tion and use of the automated system. The lowest

a. Network identification. The process of divid-level would be use of the URCI as the basis for

ing installation unsurfaced road networks into

project approvals and establishment of priorities.

manageable segments for conducting surface in-

A gradual implementation may be practical for

spection and determining M&R requirements and

many installations. Technical advice concerning

priorities (chap 2).

any procedures outlined in this manual may be

b. Surface condition inspection. The process of obtained from U.S. Army Center for Public Works,

inspecting installation unsurfaced roads to deter-

ATTN: CECPW-ER, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alex-

mine existing distresses and their severity, and to andria, VA 22310-3862.

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TM 5-626