2-4. Signals for Combat Formations and Battle Drills
a. Signals, General (Figures 2-29 through 2-57).
(1) Leaders of dismounted units use arm-and-hand signals to control the movement of individuals, teams, and squads. These signals are used by infantry and also by combat support and combat service support elements organized for infantry missions (Figures 2-29 through 2-45).
(2) Leaders of mounted units use arm-and-hand signals to control individual vehicles and platoon movement. When distances between vehicles increase, flags (wrapped and tied) can be used as an extension of the arm to give the signals. From some vehicles (for example, Bradley, M2), the arm-and-hand signals will be distorted (Figures 2-46 through 2-50).
(3) Signals for drills are illustrated in Figures 2-51 through 2-57.
b. Mechanized Movement Techniques. Signals for movement techniques are used by mechanized units to indicate which manner of traversing terrain will be used by a unit (Figures 2-46 through 2– 50).
c. Drills. Drills are a rapid, reflexive response executed by a small unit. These signals are used to initiate drills (Figures 2– 51 through 2-57).