Discovering Jesus Christ by Erekosee - HTML preview

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Love Defined

Love is what matters in this world. Without love, one will never consider to forget and forgive about what others have done to him. Lack of love can also be the reason why there are various negative emotions that people should not consider especially if they want to be Christ Conscious.

One of the apostles of Jesus Christ once asked if which is better among love, faith or hope. If you will analyze the question and think about the right answer for the question, you might answer all of them. Well, it is acceptable. But, depending on what you understand and what you have learned in life, what makes love? And, how people learned about loving others?

The teachings of God revolve around love, faith, and prayer. Each of the mentioned things is important to everyone. But, if you will analyze everything, love makes everything. For instance, you help the needy because you care about them and you want to show your love to them. Jesus Christ even sacrificed His life just to save people from their sins. He did that because of one reason. He loves every human being and He wants everyone to change and be awakened.

Christ Consciousness can be your best move to pay back on what God has done to your life. If you will not be Christ Conscious, you will not understand your purpose in this world. So, love others. Love yourself. Love God because He is your savior.