The Condensed Satanic Bible by ''Knife'' Sotelo - HTML preview

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The Condensed Satanic Bible started out as a personal "Devil's Notebook" but

throughout the years it has grown into a Satanic Scripture all on its own. As of

2009, it is an official holy book of an eclectic religious organization known as The

Satanic Chapel. The Condensed Satanic Bible lays out the entire common

groundwork of Satanism and what the Satanic Bible, the Satanic Rituals, Liber of

the Goat, the Satanic Mini Bible, Dark Doctrines, the Satanic Scriptures and other

descendants of Satanic Knowledge has brought us. This condensed bible is an

obvious homage to Kirby Hensley of the Universal Life Church (ULCM) and is also

considered to be the "Satanic" Jefferson Bible of it's time. I, Rev. "Knife" Sotelo, have compiled it like the Dark Doctrines as well as formatting them into parables

and since this is also study material for the priesthood I offer this book that we call

“A Dark Philosophy” to all who are interested in priesthood status but above all that,

this book is merely for Satanists and every meaning of that term, I do not mean to

add to Satanic scripture because it's already codified in the Satanic Bible (however

Satanism was NOT defined by Anton Szandor LaVey), nothing has changed, this is

the same sound philosophy of Satanism for the 21st Century. This is a great

inspiring book, if you want something to change your life, this book will wake you

up and think. This work will tell you the good and bad that is contained within the

Satanic Bible and as far as the Holy Bible itself which was used for my Gospel in the

"Prologue." This is the most informative work I have ever written. Yes I did write most of this book, with my own interpretations. (This book is not a translation;

rather it is my interpretation of the Satanic Bible and a comparative of other

religions.) Find out what I believe about God and Satan. There is also work of other

authors contained in this book but are fully acknowledged and therefore not

plagiarized. I will assure you, that you have never seen anything like this Bible

before. I believe that the ethical system of Satanism was the finest this world has

ever seen. I compiled what has come to be called "The Condensed Satanic Bible,"

looking to separate those ethical teachings from the religious dogma and other

elements that are intermixed in the account provided by all the incarnations of

Satanism. I present these teachings, along with the essential events of the life of

the Devil. The new religion of the future is the one that honors and recognizes all

religions and all spiritual paths, for they all lead to the same place.

"Here is Satanic thought from a truly Satanic point of view."

Rev. "Knife" Sotelo, Ph.D.

The Satanic Chapel

Los Angeles, Walpurgisnacht 2009

In the secret of my knowledge, there is no god but me.

"If I had a religious doctrine, here it is: If God exists and immobility also, God will be immobility, Satan being motion."

- Louis Scutenaire / 1905-1987