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Old Or New Testament Or No Testament At All?


(June 25, 2008)


The Bible is being done away with. Some do away with the New Testament, like the Jews. Some do away with the Old Testament, like the Pentecostal. Some do away with the Bible all together, like the U.S. Judicial system and the U.S. Public in increasing numbers.


I am of the belief that it is suicidal to do away with the Bible, the Word of God, both the Old and the New testaments. To reject God is to reject our only source of life, our sustainer. Without God we die, some sooner than others but eventually all die.

Without the Bible we are left clueless about what is going on in the world, the forces of good and evil, Satan's goals and shenanigans and God's plan for His Kingdom and for man.


That is basically the whole argument concerning agnostics and atheists. They are foolish and suicidal. They reject the true God and His gift of eternal life. They substitute Him for make believe. True believers are sane and hopeful, hopeful for a good, meaningful life and for a place in God's Kingdom for eternity.


Those who profess to be Christians however but reject the Old Testament are another matter. They are double minded. They accept God but reject His Book, His teachings, His instructions and His commandments. They accept some undefined fantastic image of the true God but reject reality.


The Christian Law comes from God through the Old Testament. The New Testament expands on it and puts it into full practice through Christ and His followers. Can a society exist without laws? Without laws society self-destructs. It will not last long. To sustain life you need to live according to the laws of nature, it is evident. To sustain social life you need righteous laws. God provides us with these simple common sense laws in the Old Testament as we call it.


Some of the basic laws of God are fundamental to any society like; Do not murder and Do not steal. God instructs us that vengeance is His and that we are not to pursue vengeance. These three basic principles are essential for a stable society. This is obvious and I think that few would argue.


Society also requires other laws to function, respect of parents, honest assessment of neighbours, no adultery and no coveting. These are also laws that pertain to Christians and that lead to a satisfying life. They were written out by God on stone tablets and given to Moses many years ago.


These laws make it easy to understand how God thinks and what he expects and wants from us. The laws are obviously for our good and for the good of all. Most of these laws are found in the famous ten commandments. To love and respect God it is essential to obey all His laws not just the ones we want.


The most often rejected commandment by professing Christians is the keeping of the seventh day Sabbath. Many change the meaning of the word Sabbath to mean any day of worship and not seventh day worship. Some change the day of worship to Sunday for other reasons or in other ways. Overwhelmingly however, the Bible teaches that the seventh day is the Sabbath which God wants us to keep holy. To disobey is to reject the true God, the God of the Bible and to follow the traditions of men being lead by Satan the Devil.


To obey God and to strive to obey God is the way to perfection. It is not perfection on its own. God will grant the gift of life to His followers, His disciples, eternal life in a body that will not be able to sin, a perfect state. The human state is filthy and sinful but is to be overcome with Christ s help. Those who overcome will receive the gift of salvation at Christ s return for some and at the second resurrection for others.


What else in the world is worth living for? The world will perish but God will live forever. Pray for mercy and that He guides you always and hold fast to His good book the Bible. It is a precious gift.

