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R2D2 F451

(July 8, 2007)


The major role of science in the world today is to deceive the people.


Here are some of my reasons for making such a statement.


One of the major scientific projects in the US and Russia is conquering space. They lead us to believe that it is possible and that it is a worthy goal. Both are blatantly false. In order to facilitate outer space travel through the vast expanse we would need a spacecraft of the order of the earth, which we already have. Why look for life elsewhere when we have it right here. Could we ponder the marvel of life any better anywhere else? Can God be found elsewhere in the universe and not here? What would make anyone think that?


Why do they mislead people? I can think of a few reasons; to make a living, to control the people, for laughs, for entertainment, to intimidate and show off, to boost their egos or just simply for something to do.


The THEORY of evolution states that life forms evolved from simpler life forms to more complex life forms primarily through mutations. That theory has been proven wrong a long time ago by the discovery that even the simplest of life forms, the single cell, is highly complex and could not have evolved since all the components are dependent on each other for its survival. The discovery of DNA further alienated the THEORY of evolution since it is another engineering and biological marvel that baffles the most intelligent planners and programmers in its ingenuity. The DNA that is created in the union of the egg with sperm, a single cell, has all the information needed for the cell to develop into a multi trillion celled living being. DNA could not have evolve since it is part of a cell that requires it for its existence and ability to reproduce. One cannot exist without the other. That leaves us with a Creator God of supreme intelligence and ability.


Why is it that mainstream scientology still clings to the THEORY of evolution? I can think of some reasons. They want the prestige of having their THEORY taught to the children and to the masses. They want their articles to show up in publications and they want their publications bought by the masses. In other words they want your money and respect.


Why then are the people still so easily persuaded that this THEORY of evolution is viable? The scientific community uses mind boggling numbers like billions and trillions of years with great frequency and certainty to explain certain events. In reality it makes about as much sense as stating that the moon is made of cheese or that the earth is flat. Repeat it enough and tolerate no opponents to the concepts and the thing gets put over. That is not a scientific proof. Those scientists are hypocrites who cannot distinguish between theories and facts or laws.


I have a couple of theories of my own. Before the flood man had developed to such an extent that they were able to go in orbit around the earth and sustain themselves indefinitely. There is no such thing as beings from outer space, they are beings from before the flood, earthlings. They are possibly four to five thousand years old. That is if they exist at all.


There is other evidence that an industrial society existed before the flood. Some artifacts have been found embedded in stone and crystals and coal that are made of alloys that have not yet been achievable in this era. The rock, crystal and coal that they were found in are reported to be millions of years old by socially recognized scientists, which brings in serious doubt their ability to date anything.


Also the building of Noah’s arc and the building of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh point to very advanced technology. This pyramid and the Tower of Babel were built soon after the flood giving very little time for development of building techniques and know how. All this knowledge could have been carried on the arc and could have existed prior to the flood.


So why R2D2 F451? Just a theory, but I think that part of the reason for the invention of the computer and the rapid development and worldwide use of it is to rid the world of books. Once the books are gone it is a simple matter to rid the computer world of the text files. The main target would be the Bible of course.


Who is behind all this scheming and deceiving? It is the work of the Devil. Why? Ultimately he wants everyone dead because he is a god of hatred. He does not have God’s permission to destroy man so he is trying to get man to ignorantly destroy himself and is succeeding. If it weren’t for God intervening through the return of Jesus Christ, Satan the Devil would succeed. This is God’s plan. This is the way God has decided to do things. He has revealed it through the pages of the Bible. Who are we to question His decisions or tell Him how to do things? All we can do is learn and awaken ourselves through His teachings found in the Bible.

