The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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(January 28, 2006)


The reality is that most people believe in fiction and lies. They are ensconced in unrealistic idealism and fatal earthly endeavors. Some of the greatest or more popular dupes are that medicine will find the way to eternal life and that prolonged life in outer space is possible and will readily lead to finding other living intelligent beings. Also popular is that pollution is of little consequence when compared to the benefits of industrialization. The way these ideas are propagated is by playing with the imaginations or gullibility of simple minded people. What they should be doing is brainstorming for direction and goals and keeping the people aware of present developments and understanding of obstacles, keeping a high alert for reality.


One of the key ideals that has been propagated for the control of the masses is the idea of common sense. This is an oxymoron. Sense is not common, it is rather rare. Jesus for example was the only man who understood the Word of God in His day. There are few who understand it today. There are few who want to understand it. So how can sense be deemed common? The myth of common sense is a powerful bonding force among mankind.


Without the foundational truth of the Bible, Jesus’ words and God’s instructional guideline, there is no semblance of reality in our idealism. It is like over loading a rudderless ship with dead weight and sending it out in rough waters, or like building a house on sand rather than bedrock.


I believe in free speech, not abusive speech, and I do not believe in government by the will of the average man. I believe in government by the wise, not the common, unless the common man becomes wise. For example the wise would choose monogamy over promiscuity. This would eliminate most abortions and AIDS, if not all. People who promote promiscuity should be shunned or castigated from society rather than be befriended with monetary and immoral support. People should pay tithes not pornographers. I say this because pornography is a huge business making many perverts wealthy while the righteous struggle to make ends meet and to care for their flock.


Some of the prime culprits in the propagation of senselessness are the media, governments, Hollywood and most religions. The fruits of their efforts are people with unrealistic or false hope. Through them reality is lost.


This is reality, the only way to eternal life, salvation, is through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Following in His example of obedience to the Holy Scriptures and to His Father should be of prime importance in your lives. Putting your hope and money in other things is temporal at best and eventually leads to death. Bear in mind that it is a Biblical principle to leave an inheritance onto your children.


Is your reality real or fiction?

