The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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(April 9, 2008)


Good afternoon Mr. Moderator, Mr. Toastmaster, fellow members and guests.


My topic for today is resoucefulness.


Resourcefulness is Herbert W. Armstrong’s fifth law in his booklet The Seven Laws of Success.


The first four are setting goals, education, good health and drive.


Resourcefulness means finding ways to keep the previous laws in action by solving problems. It means overcoming obstacles in order to keep going. It means using some imagination to think of alternative ways of doing things. It also means taking advantage of some opportunities and resources that are available to you.


Resourcefulness is important always.


We live in a resource rich environment with schools, colleges, universities, libraries, book stores, computers, the internet, knowledgeable people, telephones, businesses, stores, rental outlets, tools, equipment, etc. There are many ways in which we can better ourselves and get ourselves out of difficulty.


Here are a few examples of  things that I did in my life where I put resourcefulness to work.


After years of university I decided to get some practical knowledge and took a year of college before going out into the work force. I studied math, law and drafting there and latter found a job where they wanted me to draft in Calgary.


At that time I had no idea about the economy; times of plenty and recessions. I was not keeping watch. After getting laid off five years latter, due to economic circumstances and subsequently running very low on money, I decided to try a new start. I headed for a hopefully better environment, Ontario. The move paid off as I found employment quickly. In retrospect I considered my move as resourceful, using my time, money and possessions. I sold some of my belongings, build a small trailer, packed up and moved.


I worked for eleven years as an instrument man and as a party chief for an Ontario Land Surveyor in Hamilton. I was getting a little tired of this situation so I took a course in computer drafting to help facilitate a change in duties. As it turned out I subsequently got laid off again and took some time to work toward a career change.


I studied computer programming and earned a certificate as a Programmer Analyst. However, I found it difficult to find work in that field and was getting in need of income again. So I looked for work in my area of experience, surveying, and I also started a night course in computer drafting. It was offered free of charge at a Hamilton High School. I wasn’t finished the course when I got a job interview for a drafting position and convinced my employers that I would be able to get the work done for them. They hired me.


My resourcefulness in expanding my functionality along with some prayer, got me a job. Drive, persistent effort, striving to learn and to achieve and being resourceful enabled me to get the knowledge and skill required to get the work at the office done and to keep my job. I’ve been there for almost nine years now. I guess I should consider myself a success, a benefit to my employers, to the people I work with and to our clients.


Another area where I used resourcefulness to achieve a goal was in creating a website. I already had knowledge about computer programming and I had the internet to help me out. It took me a while to find out where and how to look for the information I needed and I made some fruitless side tracks too but I got the job done in reasonable time.


Of course I had to have material to post on my website and that has come from decades of studying and writing about the Bible, from making observations in life and from having experiences of various kinds and writing about them. This is another area that required resourcefulness, creativity, memory and straightforwardness, always striving for mastery of the language and of the Word of God.


In 2 Chronicles chapter 29 verse 2, David states:


With all my resources I have provided for the temple of my God.


We are God’s temple as the body of Christ. Each one of us has to do his part in building up the temple. Our first responsibility is to take care of ourselves in this way we set an example for others.


In time things change, goals change, your ideas of success change, your skills and knowledge change and your time frame changes. When you’re young you think you have a long life ahead of you and you are taken care of. When you’re older you start thinking that your time is running out and who will take care of you.


Try to be resourceful on an ongoing basis. Study. Research. Learn. Solve each problem as it comes up. This will help keep you on the road to success.


One step at a time and rejoice in your achievements. Count your blessings and give God thanks always.

